Faculty & Staff
CSHL’s research faculty has a rich history of contributing some of the most fundamental discoveries in molecular biology and genetics. This legacy, which includes 8 Nobel Prize winners, continues to be strengthened today by the 50 faculty members who head cutting-edge laboratories in a broad range of fields, some of which are often and increasingly interdisciplinary. Their efforts and output are consistently, internationally recognized. Thomson Reuters’ Essential Science Indicators, a leading index for institutional performance, has ranked CSHL in the top 1% of institutions most cited in published research and its faculty among the top three in terms of its influence in molecular biology and genetics.
Search Faculty
Research Scientists
Non-research Faculty
Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Cancer Center Member
computational genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, gene regulation, big data, precision medicine
Alexander Dobin
Cancer Center Member

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Zhen Zhao
Cancer Center Member

Visiting Faculty
Research Staff
Joan Alexander
Research Investigator
Wigler laboratory
Pascal Belleau
Research Investigator
Krasnitz laboratory
Osama El Demerdash
Computer Scientist
Stillman laboratory
Diane Esposito
Research Investigator
Wigler laboratory
Qing Gao
Research Investigator
Westcott laboratory
Nicholas Gladman
Research Investigator
Ware laboratory
Gilbert Henry
Research Investigator
Zador laboratory
Josh Homer
Research Investigator
Moses laboratory
Manzar Hossain
Research Investigator
Stillman laboratory
Hyun Soo Kim
Senior Research Investigator
Martienssen laboratory
Vivek Kumar
Computer Scientist
Ware laboratory
Yoon-Ha Lee
Research Investigator
Issifov laboratory
Youngkyu Park
Senior Research Investigator
Tuveson laboratory
Katerine Matho
Research Investigator
Huang laboratory
Michael Regulski
Research Investigator
Ware laboratory
Yi-Jun Sheu
Research Investigator
Stillman laboratory
Damianos Skopelitis
Senior Research Investigator
Vakoc Laboratory
Asya Stepansky
Research Investigator
Wigler laboratory
Claudia Tonelli
Research Investigator
Tuveson laboratory