John R. Inglis
Executive Director of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Ph.D., University of Edinburgh Medical School, 1976
inglis@cshl.edu | (516) 422-4005
Faculty Profile
I graduated from Edinburgh University Medical School with a Ph.D. in immunology and soon afterwards joined the editorial staff of the weekly medical journal The Lancet. Three years later, I founded the monthly review journal, Immunology Today (now Trends in Immunology) and edited it for seven years while launching and managing other journals. I also wrote articles on biomedicine for British newspapers and New Scientist magazine.
In 1987, I came to the United States to found Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, building on a respected publishing program that consisted then of the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium proceedings, a small number of monographs and manuals, and the 6-month-old journal Genes & Development. Today, the Press is a digital publisher of 9 journals, 200 books in print and electronic formats, and online media with varied business models. It has developed two of the world’s top genetics journals as well as many laboratory manuals, handbooks, and monographs that scientists worldwide regard as essential. The mission of the Press is to create publications and services that help scientists succeed, while contributing funds to the Laboratory and maintaining its exceptional reputation in scientific communication and education.
I also co-founded and manage bioRxiv, a service of the Laboratory launched in 2013 that is the largest source of preprints of research papers in the life sciences, and medRxiv, a preprint server for health sciences that was launched in June 2019.
I have edited four books, including Davenport’s Dream: 21st Century Reflections on Heredity and Eugenics and Inspiring Science: Jim Watson and the Age of DNA. Since the foundation of the School of Biological Sciences, it has been my pleasure to act as an academic mentor for ten students.
All Publications
Introduction: 35 years on
1 Jan 2023 | Genes & Development | 37(1-2):1
Inglis, John;  
Submissions and Downloads of Preprints in the First Year of medRxiv.
10 Nov 2020 | Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) | 324(18):1903-1905
Krumholz, Harlan; Bloom, Theodora; Sever, Richard; Rawlinson, Claire; Inglis, John; Ross, Joseph;  
bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology
6 Nov 2019 | bioRxiv
Sever, Richard; Roeder, Ted; Hindle, Samantha; Sussman, Linda; Black, Kevin-John; Argentine, Janet; Manos, Wayne; Inglis, John;  
Plan U: Universal access to scientific and medical research via funder preprint mandates
4 Jun 2019 | PLoS Biology | 17(6):e3000273
Sever, R; Eisen, M; Inglis, J;  
Careers in Science Publishing
1 Mar 2019 | Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology | 11(3):1-11
Inglis, J;  
Twenty years on
1 Mar 2007 | Genes & Development | 21(5):xi
Inglis, J;  
Back again to the future of Immunology Today.
Dec 2004 | Trends in Immunology | 25(12):617-618
Inglis, John;  
Back to the future of Immunology Today.
Oct 1988 | Trends in Immunology | 9(10):285
Inglis, J;  
A new editor for immunology today.
1987 | Trends in Immunology | 8(12):360
Inglis, J;  
A new editor for immunology today
1 Jan 1987 | Trends in Immunology | 8(12):360
Inglis, J;