Postdoctoral Liaison Committee
Mission statement
To improve the Postdoctoral experience at CSHL by providing personal and professional support to the CSHL postdoc community. We represent and communicate postdoctoral affairs to CSHL Leadership and mediate transparency.
Members of CSHL’s Postdoctoral Liaison Committee (PDLC) are elected each year by their peers. They meet regularly with CSHL’s postdoctoral community, leadership, and Scientific Advisory Committee to discuss postdoctoral affairs at CSHL and facilitate communication between postdocs and senior leaders on campus.
Current Members

Mackenzie Callaway, Chair
Dos Santos Laboratory
Mackenzie joined the PDLC in 2023. As Chair, she hopes to enhance postdoctoral connectivity both within the CSHL campus as well as to the greater community. Through networking events with local companies and institutions, she hopes to increase postdoctoral connections to positions both within and outside of Academia. She also hopes to build a more inclusive and supportive community for trainees at the lab through social and professional development events. Finally, she also hopes to enhance collaborations amongst CSHL affinity groups to brainstorm new, diverse, and exciting events for the coming year!

Deeptiman Chatterjee, Internal-Affairs Chair
Dos Santos Laboratory
Deeptiman – or Deep, as everyone knows him – joined PDLC in 2023, with the goals of cultivating a sense of community for the postdoctoral fellows on campus and facilitating coordination with the different affinity groups to enhance community impact beyond CSHL. He strongly believes in community advocacy and engaging in open communication with stakeholders to ‘make things work’ equally and efficiently for everyone involved. As the current Chair of Internal Affairs, Deep intends to work for the postdoctoral-fellow community and work with the CSHL administration to enhance the overall postdoc experience on campus which, he believes, would foster an openness that could only improve the overall impact of CSHL on both the research community and the society it serves.

Viet Hang Le, External-Affairs Chair
Van Aelst Laboratory
Hang holds the position of Chair of External Affairs in the PDLC. Her main focus revolves around expanding the network of postdocs in the lab and supporting their exploration of various career options, both within academia and beyond. Hang acts as a facilitator, connecting lab members with professionals in science and biotech-related sectors. Her goal is to create meaningful connections that will open up invaluable networking opportunities for postdocs in the lab, potentially shaping their future trajectories.

Jason Lynn, Emeritus Chair
Martienssen Laboratory
Jason joined the PDLC in late 2021 with the goal of facilitating social interaction and building community among postdocs at CSHL. He believes that developing connections between postdocs is not only important for professional development but also for mental health. As the current treasurer of the PDLC, Jason intends on utilizing institutional funds to provide opportunities for postdoc social events in a fun and relaxed environment which, in his opinion, is the best way to share ideas and get to know each other.
Former Members
Cristina Aguirre-Chen
Oliver Artz
Sara Ballouz
Leah Banks
Sonali Bhattacharjee
Michael Campbell
Kate Creasey
Samantha Cyrill
Mary Doherty
Daniel Ferrante
Nikita Francis
Debarati Ghosh
Nick Gladman
Dhananjay Huilgol
Jonathan Ipsaro
Santiago Jaramillo
Keerthi Krishnan
Penelope Lindsay
Grinu Mathew
Saikat Nandi
Dawid Nowak
Michael Regan
Kate Revill
Benjamin Roche
Hillary Schiff
Serif Senturk
Milos Tanurdzic
Prabhadevi Venkataramani
Min Yao
Sophia Zebell