CSHL-Northwell Health Affiliation
CSHL has been a leader in cancer research for more than 40 years. Through basic research, the Lab has made discoveries that reveal how cells grow and proliferate. At the same time, clinicians within Northwell Health have been fighting cancer on the front lines. They are using the latest treatments and technology to diagnose and treat more than 19,000 new cancer patients each year.
With the great advancements that we have made in understanding the basic biology of cancer, the time has come to translate these discoveries more efficiently from the bench to clinical applications. For this reason, in 2015, CSHL and Northwell Health entered into a strategic affiliation that combines mechanistic biology with the highest level of health care to advance diagnosis and treatment.
Since 2015, the affiliation has launched new education initiatives, expanded access to clinical trials, and provided funding for new investigations that will have a rapid impact in the clinic. Together, CSHL and Northwell Health are committed to bringing our discoveries out of the lab and to the patients. As a team, we are poised to identify new cancer diagnostics and therapeutics that will more effectively and rapidly treat cancer than ever before.
Steering Committee
Bruce Stillman, Ph.D. – CSHL, President & CEO
David Tuveson, M.D., Ph.D. – CSHL, Director, Cancer Center
David Spector, Ph.D. – CSHL, Director of Research
Kevin Tracey, M.D., Ph.D. – Northwell Health, President and CEO, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
Richard Barakat, M.D., M.B.A. – Northwell Health, Physician-in-Chief and Director, Cancer Institute, Senior Vice President Cancer, Cancer Service Line
Lawrence Smith, M.D. – Northwell Health, Dean Emeritus of the Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Soma Prum, M.S.
CSHL, Director, Clinical and Translational Collaborations
Kenneth Addison
Manager, Clinical and Translational Collaborations
Ongoing research through the affiliation interrogates the genomics and biological underpinnings of cancer to develop better diagnostic and therapeutic tools. This includes development of a repository of patient-derived samples grown in 3D culture called “organoids.” These organoids provide an innovative platform for understanding the genetic abnormalities that drive cancer and to screen for drug susceptibilities. In other work, researchers are using genomic approaches to screen for potential drug targets in metastatic lung cancer, exploring novel therapeutic avenues for pancreatic cancer, and testing a novel approach to treating HER2-postive cancer.
Our faculty lead these groundbreaking research efforts. Find out more by visiting our faculty pages:
CSHL Faculty
Northwell Health Cancer Institute
Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Faculty
Cold Spring Harbor Lab, Seeking Human Subjects, Teams Up With Hospital System
Northwell/CSHL Cancer Center Draws an Ace
Internationally recognized surgeon, researcher to lead Northwell Health cancer services, research
The affiliation is dedicated to training new clinician-scientists to bridge the gap between basic science and patient treatment. We have developed education paradigms that challenge medical students and scientists to change the way they think about treatment and diagnosis, to identify the most pressing needs in the clinic, and to address these questions in the lab. The affiliation is committed to developing profound education initiatives to train the future minds of science and medicine.
- Summer Research Internship for Medical Students (SRIMS) – A unique opportunity for medical students from the Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell to do a summer research internship at a CSHL.
- Northwell Health Resident Research – Northwell Health medical residents (within the Cancer Institute or Division of Hematology /Oncology) may perform a one year research project at CSHL. To learn more, contact Soma Prum at prum@cshl.edu.
- CSHL and Hofstra Northwell Health Clinical and Translational Fellowship — This ACGME-accredited Translational Research Training track of the Medical Oncology/Hematology Fellowship Program is a training opportunity for physicians who have completed their residency. The Fellowship is a joint program offered by CSHL, Hofstra Northwell Health School of Medicine and the North Shore Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center Division of Medical Oncology.