Hannah Meyer

Hannah Meyer

Assistant Professor
Cancer Center Member

Ph.D., University of Cambridge, EMBL-EBI, 2018

hmeyer@cshl.edu | 516-367-8468

Meyer Lab Website   Faculty Profile

A properly functioning immune system must be able to recognize diseased cells and foreign invaders among the multitude of healthy cells in the body. This ability is essential to both prevent autoimmune diseases and fight infections and cancer. We study how a specific type of immune cells, known as T cells, are educated to make this distinction during development.

The thymus generates and selects a highly variable yet specific T cell repertoire which discriminates between healthy and non-healthy self and dangerous non-self antigens. My research group uses a systems immunology approach to dissect the mechanisms crucial to the selection processes in the thymus. We develop experimental techniques and combine the resulting data with innovative computational models to generate accurate and testable hypotheses about tissue-level organ physiology.

Studying thymus physiology from a qualitative and quantitative perspective will provide us with a more fine-grained understanding of the selection processes and their down-stream consequences such as auto-immunity, cancer immunosurveillance and immune deficiency.

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All Publications

Unraveling the phenotypic states of human innate-like T cells: Comparative insights with conventional T cells and mouse models

10 Sep 2024 | Cell Reports | 43(9):114705
Loh, Liyen;  Carcy, Salomé;  Krovi, Harsha;  Domenico, Joanne;  Spengler, Andrea;  Lin, Yong;  Torres, Joshua;  Prabakar, Rishvanth;  Palmer, William;  Norman, Paul;  Stone, Matthew;  Brunetti, Tonya;  Meyer, Hannah;  Gapin, Laurent;  

BATMAN: Improved T cell receptor cross-reactivity prediction benchmarked on a comprehensive mutational scan database

25 Jan 2024 | bioRxiv
Banerjee, Amitava;  Pattinson, David;  Wincek, Cornelia;  Bunk, Paul;  Chapin, Sarah;  Navlakha, Saket;  Meyer, Hannah;  

Unraveling the Phenotypic States of Human innate-like T Cells: Comparative Insights with Conventional T Cells and Mouse Models

8 Dec 2023 | bioRxiv
Loh, Liyen;  Carcy, Salomé;  Krovi, Harsha;  Domenico, Joanne;  Spengler, Andrea;  Lin, Yong;  Torres, Joshua;  Palmer, William;  Norman, Paul;  Stone, Matthew;  Brunetti, Tonya;  Meyer, Hannah;  Gapin, Laurent;  

copepodTCR: Identification of Antigen-Specific T Cell Receptors with combinatorial peptide pooling.

29 Nov 2023 | bioRxiv
Kovaleva, Vasilisa;  Pattinson, David;  Barton, Carl;  Chapin, Sarah;  Minervina, Anastasia;  Richards, Katherine;  Sant, Andrea;  Thomas, Paul;  Pogorelyy, Mikhail;  Meyer, Hannah;  

Cystatin C is glucocorticoid responsive, directs recruitment of Trem2+ macrophages, and predicts failure of cancer immunotherapy

9 Aug 2023 | Cell Genomics | 3(8):100347
Kleeman, Sam;  Thakir, Tuba;  Demestichas, Breanna;  Mourikis, Nicholas;  Loiero, Dominik;  Ferrer, Miriam;  Bankier, Sean;  Riazat-Kesh, Yosef;  Lee, Hassal;  Chantzichristos, Dimitrios;  Regan, Claire;  Preall, Jonathan;  Sinha, Sarthak;  Rosin, Nicole;  Yipp, Bryan;  de Almeida, Luiz;  Biernaskie, Jeff;  Dufour, Antoine;  Tober-Lau, Pinkus;  Ruusalepp, Arno;  Bjorkegren, Johan;  Ralser, Markus;  Kurth, Florian;  Demichev, Vadim;  Heywood, Todd;  Gao, Qing;  Johannsson, Gudmundur;  Koelzer, Viktor;  Walker, Brian;  Meyer, Hannah;  Janowitz, Tobias;  

CRISPR-induced exon skipping of β-catenin reveals tumorigenic mutants driving distinct subtypes of liver cancer

15 Jan 2023 | Journal of Pathology
Mou, Haiwei;  Eskiocak, Onur;  Özler, Kadir;  Gorman, Megan;  Yue, Junjiayu;  Jin, Ying;  Wang, Zhikai;  Gao, Ya;  Janowitz, Tobias;  Meyer, Hannah;  Yu, Tianxiong;  Wilkinson, John;  Kucukural, Alper;  Ozata, Deniz;  Beyaz, Semir;  

Snakeobjects: an object-oriented workflow management system

12 Dec 2022 | bioRxiv
Yamrom, Boris;  Lee, Yoon-ha;  Marks, Steven;  Chorbadjiev, Lubomir;  Meyer, Hannah;  Iossifov, Ivan;  

Cystatin C is associated with adverse COVID-19 outcomes in diverse populations

Oct 2022 | iScience | 25(10):105040
Kleeman, Sam;  Cordioli, Mattia;  Timmers, Paul;  Khan, Atlas;  Tober-Lau, Pinkus;  Kurth, Florian;  Demichev, Vadim;  Meyer, Hannah;  Wilson, James;  Ralser, Markus;  Kiryluk, Krzysztof;  Ganna, Andrea;  Baillie, Kenneth;  Janowitz, Tobias;  

Transcriptomic diversity in human medullary thymic epithelial cells

2 Aug 2022 | Nature Communications | 13(1):4296
Carter, Jason;  Strömich, Léonie;  Peacey, Matthew;  Chapin, Sarah;  Velten, Lars;  Steinmetz, Lars;  Brors, Benedikt;  Pinto, Sheena;  Meyer, Hannah;  

Genetic and environmental determinants of diastolic heart function

13 Apr 2022 | Nature Cardiovascular Research | 1(4):361-371
Thanaj, Marjola;  Mielke, Johanna;  McGurk, Kathryn;  Bai, Wenjia;  Savioli, Nicolò;  de Marvao, Antonio;  Meyer, Hannah;  Zeng, Lingyao;  Sohler, Florian;  Lumbers, R;  Wilkins, Martin;  Ware, James;  Bender, Christian;  Rueckert, Daniel;  MacNamara, Aidan;  Freitag, Daniel;  O'Regan, Declan;  

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