The brain-body interaction is a two-sided coin: The brain can control movement of the body to fulfill behaviors, and behavior itself can affect brain function. We study how the brain orchestrates motor and physiological control in natural and innate behaviors, focusing on facial expression.
Facial expression conveys complex and nuanced emotions. How facial expressions are produced and adapted, and how these processes change in mental disorders remains unknown, largely due to the complexity of the behavior in humans, and a lack of cellular-level understanding of the underlying neurobiology. In The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, Darwin explored the connection of emotional states to organization of movements, and characterized the universal nature of facial expression and its anatomical and musculature origin, such as lifting of the eyebrow in surprise. Underlying the rich tapestry of facial expressions is a group of facial muscles, directly controlled by motor neurons in the facial nucleus in the brainstem. Many of the machineries of facial expression are highly conserved in mammals including rodents.
My lab studies how the brain orchestrates motor control in natural and innate behaviors, specifically the neural mechanisms underlying the dynamic control of facial expression using rodents as a model, applying electrophysiological, imaging, neuroanatomical, behavioral, and computational analyses. To solve these puzzles, we leverage the “brainstem bottleneck,” evolutionarily conserved integration nodes through which all communication between forebrain and spinal cord must funnel.
Animal behavior quiz
December 20, 2023
Take this short quiz to see how much you know about the science of social behavior.
Isabella Rossellini shares the stage with CSHL
March 28, 2023
Watch as the famed Italian actress chats with neuroscientist Helen Hou about Charles Darwin, women in STEM, stage fright, and much more.
Tour a CSHL lab with film icon Isabella Rossellini
March 3, 2023
This weekend, the worlds of art and science are one at CSHL as Rossellini presents her new play, Darwin’s Smile. Get your sneak peek here.
Darwin’s Smile explores the cross-section of art and science
December 2, 2022
Isabella Rossellini’s new one-woman show unpacks the origins of emotions, a place where the art of acting and the science of evolution come together.
CSHL welcomes neuroscientist Helen Hou
July 1, 2022
The Hou Lab will explore how the brain controls movement and behavior, including how it makes facial expressions and conveys emotion.
All Publications
A 3D whole-face movement analysis system to uncover underlying physiology in mice
8 May 2024 | bioRxiv
Daruwalla, Kyle; Martin, Irene; Frankel, Andrew; Naglic, Diana; Ahmad, Zainab; Hou, Xun;  
A generic noninvasive neuromotor interface for human-computer interaction
28 Feb 2024 | bioRxiv
Sussillo, David; Kaifosh, Patrick; Reardon, Thomas;  
Central Network Dynamics Regulating Visceral and Humoral Functions
8 Nov 2017 | Journal of Neuroscience | 37(45):10848-10854
Valentino, Rita; Guyenet, Patrice; Hou, Xun; Herman, Melissa;  
Central Control Circuit for Context-Dependent Micturition
22 Sep 2016 | Cell | 167(1):73-86
Hou, Xun; Hyun, Minsuk; Taranda, Julian; Huang, Kee; Todd, Emmalee; Feng, Danielle; Atwater, Emily; Croney, Donyell; Zeidel, Mark; Osten, Pavel; Sabatini, Bernardo;  
Promiscuous binding of extracellular peptides to cell surface class I MHC protein.
20 Mar 2012 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 109(12):4580-4585
Eisen, Herman; Hou, Xun; Shen, Chase; Wang, Kaidi; Tanguturi, Varsha; Smith, Crysela; Kozyrytska, Katerina; Nambiar, Lakshmi; McKinley, Carol; Chen, Jianzhu; Cohen, Richard;