Seungtai (Chris) Yoon

Seungtai (Chris) Yoon

Research Assistant Professor

Ph.D., Stony Brook University, 2006

yoon@cshl.edu | 516-367-5024

Faculty Profile

Genetics contribute to Autism in large degree. Modern genetics research demands an interdisciplinary approach to interpreting data generated from various high-throuput technologies. We are developing computational and statistical methods to analyze genomic data, with the goal of identifying mechanisms that cause genetic changes underlying autism.

Autism has been known for high heritability. Recently, high-throughput technologies such as microarray and next-generation sequencing enabled identification of de novo mutations associated with autism in simplex cohorts. Thus, the Yoon lab is working on finding de novo CNVs (Copy Number Variations) in higher resolution from sequencing data. Furthermore, causal mechanisms due to those mutations can be found by various approaches such as single-cell sequencing and RNA analysis. Thus, the Yoon lab is also analyzing data from these various platforms to explain genetic etiology of autism.

All Publications

Sharing parental genomes by siblings concordant or discordant for autism

14 Jun 2023 | Cell Genomics | 3(6):100319
Wroten, Mathew;  Yoon, Seungtai;  Andrews, Peter;  Yamrom, Boris;  Ronemus, Michael;  Buja, Andreas;  Krieger, Abba;  Levy, Dan;  Ye, Kenny;  Wigler, Michael;  Iossifov, Ivan;  

Rates of contributory de novo mutation in high and low-risk autism families.

1 Sep 2021 | Communications Biology | 4(1):1026
Yoon, Seungtai;  Munoz, Adriana;  Yamrom, Boris;  Lee, Yoon-Ha;  Andrews, Peter;  Marks, Steven;  Wang, Zihua;  Reeves, Catherine;  Winterkorn, Lara;  Krieger, Abba;  Buja, Andreas;  Pradhan, Kith;  Ronemus, Michael;  Baldwin, Kristin;  Levy, Dan;  Wigler, Michael;  Iossifov, Ivan;  

A global reference for human genetic variation

30 Sep 2015 | Nature | 526(7571):68-74
Consortium, 1000;  

The contribution of de novo coding mutations to autism spectrum disorder

14 Nov 2014 | Nature | 515(7526):216-221
Iossifov, I;  O'Roak, B;  Sanders, S;  Ronemus, M;  Krumm, N;  Levy, D;  Stessman, H;  Witherspoon, K;  Vives, L;  Patterson, K;  Smith, J;  Paeper, B;  Nickerson, D;  Dea, J;  Dong, S;  Gonzalez, L;  Mandell, J;  Mane, S;  Murtha, M;  Sullivan, C;  Walker, M;  Waqar, Z;  Wei, L;  Willsey, A;  Yamrom, B;  Lee, Y;  Grabowska, E;  Dalkic, E;  Wang, Z;  Marks, S;  Andrews, P;  Leotta, A;  Kendall, J;  Hakker, I;  Rosenbaum, J;  Ma, B;  Rodgers, L;  Troge, J;  Narzisi, G;  Yoon, S;  Schatz, M;  Ye, K;  McCombie, W;  Shendure, J;  Eichler, E;  State, M;  Wigler, M;  

Human genomic regions with exceptionally high levels of population differentiation identified from 911 whole-genome sequences.

30 Jun 2014 | Genome Biology | 15(6):R88
Colonna, Vincenza;  Ayub, Qasim;  Chen, Yuan;  Pagani, Luca;  Luisi, Pierre;  Pybus, Marc;  Garrison, Erik;  Xue, Yali;  Tyler-Smith, Chris;  1000 Genomes Project Consortium;  Abecasis, Goncalo;  Auton, Adam;  Brooks, Lisa;  DePristo, Mark;  Durbin, Richard;  Handsaker, Robert;  Kang, Hyun;  Marth, Gabor;  McVean, Gil;  

Integrating sequence and array data to create an improved 1000 Genomes Project haplotype reference panel

13 Jun 2014 | Nature Communications | 5:3934
Delaneau, O;  Marchini, J;  McVeanh, G;  Donnelly, P;  Lunter, G;  Marchini, J;  Myers, S;  Gupta-Hinch, A;  Iqbal, Z;  Mathieson, I;  Rimmer, A;  Xifara, D;  Kerasidou, A;  Churchhouse, C;  Altshuler, D;  Gabriel, S;  Lander, E;  Gupta, N;  Daly, M;  DePristo, M;  Banks, E;  Bhatia, G;  Carneiro, M;  Del Angel, G;  Genovese, G;  Handsaker, R;  Hartl, C;  McCarroll, S;  Nemesh, J;  Poplin, R;  Schaffner, S;  Shakir, K;  Sabeti, P;  Grossman, S;  Tabrizi, S;  Tariyal, R;  Li, H;  Reich, D;  Durbin, R;  Hurles, M;  Balasubramaniam, S;  Burton, J;  Danecek, P;  Keane, T;  Kolb-Kokocinski, A;  McCarthy, S;  Stalker, J;  Quail, M;  Ayub, Q;  Chen, Y;  Coffey, A;  Colonna, V;  Huang, N;  Jostins, L;  Scally, A;  Walter, K;  Xue, Y;  Zhang, Y;  Blackburne, B;  Lindsay, S;  Ning, Z;  Frankish, A;  Harrow, J;  Chris, T;  Abecasis, G;  Kang, H;  Anderson, P;  Blackwell, T;  Busonero, F;  Fuchsberger, C;  Jun, G;  Maschio, A;  Porcu, E;  Sidore, C;  Tan, A;  Trost, M;  Bentley, D;  Grocock, R;  Humphray, S;  James, T;  Kingsbury, Z;  Bauer, M;  Cheetham, R;  Cox, T;  Eberle, M;  Murray, L;  Shaw, R;  Chakravarti, A;  Clark, A;  Keinan, A;  Rodriguez-Flores, J;  De LaVega, F;  Degenhardt, J;  Eichler, E;  Flicek, P;  Clarke, L;  Leinonen, R;  Smith, R;  Zheng-Bradley, X;  Beal, K;  

De novo mutations in schizophrenia implicate chromatin remodeling and support a genetic overlap with autism and intellectual disability

Jun 2014 | Molecular Psychiatry | 19(6):652-658
McCarthy, S;  Gillis, J;  Kramer, M;  Lihm, J;  Yoon, S;  Berstein, Y;  Mistry, M;  Pavlidis, P;  Solomon, R;  Ghiban, E;  Antoniou, E;  Kelleher, E;  O'Brien, C;  Donohoe, G;  Gill, M;  Morris, D;  McCombie, W;  Corvin, A;  

Integrative annotation of variants from 1092 humans: application to cancer genomics.

4 Oct 2013 | Science | 342(6154):1235587
Khurana, Ekta;  Fu, Yao;  Colonna, Vincenza;  Mu, Xinmeng;  Kang, Hyun;  Lappalainen, Tuuli;  Sboner, Andrea;  Lochovsky, Lucas;  Chen, Jieming;  Harmanci, Arif;  Das, Jishnu;  Abyzov, Alexej;  Balasubramanian, Suganthi;  Beal, Kathryn;  Chakravarty, Dimple;  Challis, Daniel;  Chen, Yuan;  Clarke, Declan;  Clarke, Laura;  Cunningham, Fiona;  Evani, Uday;  Flicek, Paul;  Fragoza, Robert;  Garrison, Erik;  Gibbs, Richard;  Gümüş, Zeynep;  Herrero, Javier;  Kitabayashi, Naoki;  Kong, Yong;  Lage, Kasper;  Liluashvili, Vaja;  Lipkin, Steven;  MacArthur, Daniel;  Marth, Gabor;  Muzny, Donna;  Pers, Tune;  Ritchie, Graham;  Rosenfeld, Jeffrey;  Sisu, Cristina;  Wei, Xiaomu;  Wilson, Michael;  Xue, Yali;  Yu, Fuli;  1000 Genomes Project Consortium;  Dermitzakis, Emmanouil;  Yu, Haiyuan;  Rubin, Mark;  Tyler-Smith, Chris;  Gerstein, Mark;  

Whole exome sequencing reveals minimal differences between cell line and whole blood derived DNA.

Oct 2013 | Genomics | 102(4):270-277
Schafer, Chad;  Campbell, Nicholas;  Cai, Guiqing;  Yu, Fei;  Makarov, Vladimir;  Yoon, Seungtai;  Daly, Mark;  Gibbs, Richard;  Schellenberg, Gerard;  Devlin, Bernie;  Sutcliffe, James;  Buxbaum, Joseph;  Roeder, Kathryn;  

Characterization of SLITRK1 variation in obsessive-compulsive disorder.

2013 | PLoS ONE | 8(8):e70376
Ozomaro, Uzoezi;  Cai, Guiqing;  Kajiwara, Yuji;  Yoon, Seungtai;  Makarov, Vladimir;  Delorme, Richard;  Betancur, Catalina;  Ruhrmann, Stephan;  Falkai, Peter;  Grabe, Hans;  Maier, Wolfgang;  Wagner, Michael;  Lennertz, Leonhard;  Moessner, Rainald;  Murphy, Dennis;  Buxbaum, Joseph;  Züchner, Stephan;  Grice, Dorothy;  

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