Terri Grodzicker
Dean of Academic Affairs
Ph.D., Columbia University, 1969
grodzick@cshl.edu | (516) 422-4015
Faculty Profile
I came to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory at the end of 1972 and to my current position as dean of academic affairs via a somewhat circuitous route. I did my predoctoral research in bacterial genetics at Columbia University, and then began my postdoctoral research on the lac operon and l bacteriophage gene regulation at Harvard Medical School. After earning a Ph.D., I decided to switch to a eukaryotic system and work with adenovirus and SV40 at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, which at the time was one of the few centers for research on eukaryotic molecular genetics. About six months after I arrived at the Laboratory, I accepted a staff position, and I have been here ever since. During the time I worked as a bench scientist, I started organizing the annual DNA Tumor Virus Meeting and the Laboratory’s molecular genetics courses. In 1986, I became assistant director for academic affairs.
Academic affairs at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory includes the organization of meetings and short postgraduate courses that we offer in the spring, summer, and fall. These are run and managed by the courses and meetings program headed by David Stewart, Executive Director of Meetings and Courses. Since 1989, I have also been the editor of Genes & Development, one of the five research journals published by the Laboratory Press. The journal has expanded enormously and, in recent years, we have added an assistant editor, a post that has always been filled by a former graduate student at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
All Publications
Note from the Editor.
1 Aug 2019 | Genes & Development | 33(15-16):887
Grodzicker, Terri;  
1 Jan 2019 | Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology | 84:XIX
Grodzicker, T; Stewart, D; Stillman, B;  
The Biology of Plants. Foreword.
2012 | Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology | 77:xv
Stillman, Bruce; Grodzicker, Terri; Martienssen, Rob; Stewart, David;  
The Biology of Plants
2012 | Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology | 77
Stillman, B; Grodzicker, T; Martienssen, R; Stewart, D; Stillman, Bruce; Grodzicker, Terri; Martienssen, Rob; Stewart, David;  
Clocks and rhythms - Foreword
2007 | Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology | 72:XVII
Stillnian, Bruce; Stewart, David; Grodzicker, Terri;  
Growth factor induction by the adenovirus type 5 E1A 12S protein is required for immortalization of primary epithelial cells
Aug 1988 | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 8(8):3191-203
Quinlan, M; Whyte, P; Grodzicker, T;  
A retrovirus expressing the 12S adenoviral E1A gene product can immortalize epithelial cells from a broad range of rat tissues
Mar 1988 | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 8(3):1036-44
Cone, R; Grodzicker, T; Jaramillo, M;  
Adenovirus E1A 12S protein induces DNA synthesis and proliferation in primary epithelial cells in both the presence and absence of serum.
Mar 1987 | Journal of Virology | 61(3):673-682
Quinlan, M; Grodzicker, T;  
Growth factor(s) produced during infection with an adenovirus variant stimulates proliferation of nonestablished epithelial cells.
May 1987 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 84(10):3283-3287
Quinlan, M; Sullivan, N; Grodzicker, T;  
Adenovirus E1A coding sequences that enable ras and pmt oncogenes to transform cultured primary cells.
Mar 1986 | Molecular and Cellular Biology | 6(3):887-899
Zerler, B; Moran, B; Maruyama, K; Moomaw, J; Grodzicker, T; Ruley, H;