The primary purpose of the Animal Shared Resource is to provide researchers with facilities for housing and maintaining laboratory animals. Experienced staff perform all aspects of animal husbandry and assist researchers with specialized procedures and protocol development. The Animal Shared Resource is fully accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) and animals are maintained in accordance with the applicable USDA regulations and the National Research Council’s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
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Shared Resource Staff
Resource Head
Alea Mills, Ph.D.
Animal Facility
Director and Attending Vet:
Rachel Rubino, DVM
Director of Husbandry & Operations:
Lisa Bianco
Taehoon Ha, M.S.
The Animal Shared Resource staff performs a variety of services to assist investigators using laboratory animals. This care includes daily observation of animals for signs of disease, maintaining sanitary conditions of laboratory animal housing, and assistance in the treatment of animal health- related issues. Detailed services are below:
- Immunizations
- Blood Collections
- Surgical Manipulations
- Necropsies
- Cesarean Re-derivation
- Protocol Assistance
- Husbandry Management
- Investigator Orientation Programs
- Investigator Training Programs
- Importation and Exportation of Mutant Mice
- Diagnostic Services
- Tail Biopsy
- DNA Extraction
- Identification including tattoo or ear punching
- Mouse Breeding Colony Management