Student Perspectives

Abram Handly-Santana

Abram Handly-Santana

Graduating Class of 2017
University of California, Santa Cruz

Robert & Teresa Lindsay Fellow
William Randolph Hearst Scholar

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Annabel Romero Hernandez

Annabel Romero Hernandez

Graduating Class of 2017
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico)

Genentech Fellow

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Bruno Gegenhuber

Bruno Gegenhuber

Entering Class of 2017
Pacific University

Phelan Scholar
Dana Fellow

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Arkarup Bandyopadhyay

Arkarup Bandyopadhyay

Graduating Class of 2016
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, University of Delhi (India)

Crick-Clay Fellow

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Colleen Carlston

Colleen Carlston

Graduating Class of 2016
Harvard University

John and Amy Phelan Student
NSF Graduate Research Fellow

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Martyna Sroka

Martyna Sroka

Entering Class of 2016
University of Aberdeen, UK

Farish-Gerry Fellow

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Robert Aboukhalil

Robert Aboukhalil

Graduating Class of 2016
McGill University

NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Trainee

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Ian Peikon

Ian Peikon

Graduating Class of 2015
Duke University

Beckman Graduate Student
Dr. John & Consuelo Phelan Fellow

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Jack Walleshauser

Jack Walleshauser

Graduating Class of 2015
University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Barbara McClintock Fellow

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Ngoc (Tumi) Tran

Ngoc (Tumi) Tran

Entering Class of 2015
San Jose State University

Samuel Freeman Fellow

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Wee Siong Sho Goh

Wee Siong Sho Goh

Graduating Class of 2015
University of Pennsylvania

A*STAR Fellow
McClintock Fellow

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Eugene Plavskin

Eugene Plavskin

Graduating Class of 2014
Cornell University

Alfred Hershey Fellow

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Hassana Oyibo

Hassana Oyibo

Graduating Class of 2014
Farmingdale State University

William Randolph Hearst Scholar

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Katie Liberatore

Katie Liberatore

Graduating Class of 2014
University of New Mexico

NSF Graduate Research Fellow
Starr Centennial Scholar

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Mélanie Eckersley-Maslin

Mélanie Eckersley-Maslin

Graduating Class of 2014
University of Sydney (Australia)

George A. and Marjorie H. Anderson Fellow

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Michael Pautler

Michael Pautler

Graduating Class of 2014
University of Guelph (Canada)

William R. Miller Fellow

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Zina Perova

Zina Perova

Graduating Class of 2014
St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (Russia)

Charles A. Dana Fellow

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Felix Schlesinger

Felix Schlesinger

Graduating Class of 2013
Jacobs University, Bremen (Germany)

Crick-Clay Fellow

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Joseph Calarco

Joseph Calarco

Graduating Class of 2013
University of Toronto (Canada)

David Koch Fellow

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Megan Bodnar

Megan Bodnar

Graduating Class of 2013
University of California, Santa Barbara

Starr Centennial Scholar

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Paloma Guzzardo

Paloma Guzzardo

Graduating Class of 2013
University of Puerto Rico

Leslie C. Quick Jr. Fellow
William Randolph Hearst Scholar

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Saya Ebbesen

Saya Ebbesen

Graduating Class of 2013
Oberlin College

NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Trainee

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Elizabeth Nakasone

Elizabeth Nakasone

Graduating Class of 2012
University of Southern California

Leslie C. Quick, Jr. Fellow
William Randolph Hearst Fellow

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Talitha Forcier

Talitha Forcier

Entering Class of 2012
Cornell University

NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Trainee

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Kachi Odoemene

Kachi Odoemene

Entering Class of 2011
George Washington University
Purdue University

NIH/National Eye Institute Ruth L. Kirschstein Independent Predoctoral Fellow
William Randolph Hearst Scholar

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Amy Leung

Amy Leung

Graduating Class of 2010
Cornell University

Beckman Graduate Student

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Colin Malone

Colin Malone

Graduating Class of 2010
Washington University, St. Louis

Beckman Graduate Student
NSF Graduate Research Fellow

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David Simpson

David Simpson

Graduating Class of 2010
University of California, Davis

Beckman Graduate Student
DoD/USArmy Medical Research Breast Cancer Research Program Fellowship

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Galen Collins

Galen Collins

Graduating Class of 2010
Wabash College

Beckman Graduate Student

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Oliver Fregoso

Oliver Fregoso

Graduating Class of 2010
University of California, Santa Cruz

Seraph Foundation Fellow
William Randolph Hearst Scholar

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Allison Blum

Allison Blum

Graduating Class of 2009
American University

McClintock Fellow

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Daniel Chitwood

Daniel Chitwood

Graduating Class of 2009
University of California, Davis

George A. and Marjorie H. Anderson Fellow
NSF Graduate Research Fellow

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Jeremy Wilusz

Jeremy Wilusz

Graduating Class of 2009
The Johns Hopkins University

Beckman Graduate Student

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Keisha John

Keisha John

Graduating Class of 2009
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Ford Foundation Fellow
William Randolph Hearst Scholar

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Monica Dus

Monica Dus

Graduating Class of 2008
University of Redlands

Engelhorn Scholar

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Beth Chen

Beth Chen

Graduating Class of 2007
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Beckman Graduate Student

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Catherine Cormier

Catherine Cormier

Graduating Class of 2007
Boston University

Beckman Graduate Student
NSF Graduate Research Fellow

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Darren Burgess

Darren Burgess

Graduating Class of 2007
Christ Church, Oxford University (UK)

Engelhorn Scholar

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Elizabeth Murchison

Elizabeth Murchison

Graduating Class of 2007
University of Melbourne (Australia)

Elizabeth Sloan Livingston Student
DoD/USArmy Medical Research Breast Cancer Research Program Fellowship

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Gowan Tervo

Gowan Tervo

Graduating Class of 2007
Oxford University (UK)

George A. and Marjorie H. Anderson Fellow
HHMI Predoctoral Fellow

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Charles Kopec

Charles Kopec

Graduating Class of 2006
Rutgers University

Lindsay-Goldberg Fellow

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Marco Mangone

Marco Mangone

Graduating Class of 2006
La Sapienza University (Italy)

Charles A. Dana Foundation Student

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Rebecca Ewald

Rebecca Ewald

Graduating Class of 2006
King's College London (UK)

Engelhorn Scholar

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Elena Ezhkova

Elena Ezhkova

Graduating Class of 2005
Moscow State University (Russia)

Engelhorn Scholar

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Ji-Joon Song

Ji-Joon Song

Graduating Class of 2005
Kwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Korea)

Bristol Myers Squibb Fellow

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Masafumi Muratani

Masafumi Muratani

Graduating Class of 2005
University of Tsukuba (Japan)

George A. and Marjorie H. Anderson Fellow

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Zachary Lippman

Zachary Lippman

Graduating Class of 2005
Cornell University

Beckman Graduate Student

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Amy A. Caudy

Amy A. Caudy

Graduating Class of 2004
Washington University, St. Louis

George A. and Marjorie H. Anderson Fellow
HHMI Predoctoral Fellow

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Ira Hall

Ira Hall

Graduating Class of 2004
University of California, Berkeley

Beckman Graduate Student

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Niraj Tolia

Niraj Tolia

Graduating Class of 2004
Imperial College (UK)

Leslie C. Quick, Jr. Fellow

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