Student Perspective: Monica Dus
Graduating Class of 2008
Undergraduate: University of Redlands
Engelhorn Scholar
I still remember the first time I entered Bungtown Road. It was a dark, snowy late winter night. As the limousine that had picked me up at JFK airport drove through the streets of Long Island, I tried to collect my thoughts and emotions: I had been dreaming about CSHL since I was in high school in Italy. The car slowed down, then made a right, a dark red sign appeared: CSHL. So here I was, finally. I gazed down Bungtown Road. It was so dark, and yet I could picture Delbruck and Luria strolling and talking about science. I was overwhelmed by the great history of the lab. I have been at CSHL for over a year now. Often when I walk around campus I am caught by the same intense feeling, by the realization that now I am part of this wonderful place so rich of history and superb science.