Student Perspective: Ian Peikon

Graduating Class of 2015
Undergraduate: Duke University
Beckman Graduate Student
Dr. John & Consuelo Phelan Fellow
My favorite thing about Cold Spring Harbor Labs is the lack of specific research departments. The lab operates more like a big single department with lots of interdisciplinary collaborations–most of which are sparked by a chance meeting between two scientists at one of the many lab-wide events (seminars, volleyball games, wine and cheese, etc.). Where else do you see a plant biologist looking at slides with a neuroscientist?
Throughout the year, thousands of scientists come through CSHL to present their work at meetings, teach/learn at one of CSHL's courses, or give a talk at a lab-wide seminar. Scientists at CSHL are thus exposed to the newest ideas in all fields of biological research. Because of this, it has become commonplace at CSHL for a researcher to step out of the boundaries of his/her field of expertise and adopt an idea from a completely different field. As a student at the School–and an integrated member of the CSHL community–you are exposed to all of this and are invited to join any and all conversations between some of the brightest scientists in the is hard not to get sucked in to the fun.