Student Perspective: Marco Mangone

Graduating Class of 2006
Undergraduate: La Sapienza University (Italy)
Charles A. Dana Foundation Student
In the Ph.D. program both an academic and a scientific mentor tutor every student. This innovative two-tier mentoring helps the student not only to stay focused on his or her own research project, but also at the same time, provides the student with an alternative person who can help with any needs that may arise during one's PhD studies.
My academic mentor is Linda Van Aelst and my research mentor is Winship Herr. For me two-tier mentoring has proven to be a great innovation. Both my mentors play a key role in my education as a graduate student here at Cold Spring Harbor. They are always available for me, and take time to listen to my problems. They discuss them with me, and, if necessary, they meet each other to try to resolve them. The School mentoring environment has definitely been a positive thing for me.