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Ernst Peter Fischer

Ernst Peter Fischer, Professor of the History of Science at the University of Constance since 1994. He studied mathematics and physics in Cologne and biology at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. He earned Ph.D. in biology and qualified as a professor in the history of science.

He has published biographies of Max Delbrück, Niels Bohr, Wolfgang Pauli, and James D. Watson and received several awards for his scientific publications. Fischer is an author of such books as “Die andere Bildung”, “Selling science—The history of Boehringer Mannheim” and “Das Genom”—an introduction into modern genome research.

He has been honored with the Heinrich-Bechold-Medaille (1980), Preis der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Freiburg (1981); Lorenz-Oken-Medaille (2002), Treviranus-Medaille (2003) and Eduard-Rhein-Kulturpreis (2003).

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