Research Travel Grants
The Research Travel Grants are one of three scholarship categories offered by the CSHL Center for Humanities & History of Modern Biology. These fellowships of up to $1000 are intended to defray the cost of visiting the collections in the CSHL Library and Archives. Please see descriptions of the CSHL collections at the Archives homepage and consult detailed finding aids on CSHL ArchivesSpace.
Applications may be submitted at any time. They will be considered on an ongoing basis.
Award Benefits
The Research Travel Grants are intended to encourage and support use of the CSHL collections. They award up to $1,000 (USD) to each recipient for reimbursement of direct costs associated with doing research in residence at CSHL. While here, grant recipients will have support from our team of archivists, librarians, and historians. If space permits, they will be eligible to rent on-campus accommodation during their stay.
Who is Eligible?
The fellowship is open to scholars (at any career stage), journalists, writers, filmmakers, and creative artists with promising projects that would illuminate material in the CSHL collections.
Application Deadline
Applications may be submitted at any time. They will be considered on an ongoing basis.
How to Apply
The application package must include the following:
- A completed application form (pdf).
- A research proposal (see below for detailed instructions).
- A brief budget statement showing the expenses for which support is requested.
- A curriculum vitae. Please include education and employment history, dates of study, areas of study, previous publications, and previous or current fellowships, grants, and awards.
Please submit applications electronically via email to Attach all documents in .pdf, .doc, or .docx formats, with a brief covering letter in the body of the email. Please format the subject line of your email as “Research Travel Grant application – [Your Name]”
About the Research Proposal
In a maximum of 1000 words, the proposal should explain your research question or objective, the types of sources you intend to use, and the significance of the proposed research to your scholarly trajectory and to your discipline or field. The proposal must identify specific items or record groups you would use at the CSHL Library and Archives.
Please submit your proposal in double-spaced 12-point font.
Selection Criteria
We seek original, ambitious proposals that demonstrate the likely relevance of CSHL collections to the project. Potential applicants are encouraged to learn more about the collections by contacting CSHL archivists before applying.
At the conclusion of their visit, Research Travel Grant recipients will be asked to:
- provide CSHL with a report on the results of their research;
- acknowledge the grant in all publications which result from their research;
- notify CSHL of any publication or other creative expression
- resulting in whole or in part from the grant.
Year | Recipient | Research Title |
2024 | Maki Umemura Cardiff University |
Evolving Ecosystems, Emergent Technological Modalities, and the Building of the Modern Therapeutics Business, 1978-2008 |
2024 | Antoine Levrier University of Minnesota |
Towards an All In Vitro Phage Lytic Cycle |
2024 | Grace Maria Eberhardt University of Illinois |
Making “Latin Americans”: Bureaucracy and Heredity in the Construction of Latinx Identity, 1920s to the Present |
2024 | Qinyan Wu University of Pennsylvania |
Controlling systems and Controlling legacies:Barbara McClintock’s 1961 Conversation with Two Bacterial Geneticists |
2023 | Vineet Bafna U.C. San Diego |
Barbara McClintock on Genome Rearrangements |
2023 | Karl-Oskar Gustafsson Stockholm Academy of Fine Arts |
Barbara & The Jumping Genes |
2023 | Kathryn Maxson-Jones Purdue University |
Documenting the History of Genomics |
2023 | Sandra Erbacher Pratt Institute |
Invasive Species and Immigration |
2023 | Miguel Garcia-Sancho University of Edinburgh |
Twin Tracks in the History of Genomics: A Comparison of the Attendee Lists of the Chromosome Mapping Workshops and the CSHL Meetings on the Human Genome Project. |
2022 | Matt Wilder University of Toronto |
Institutions, Incentives and Innovation: The Case of Biogen |
2022 | Rachel Bailey University of Georgia |
The Human Genome Project as American Scientific Exceptionalism |
2022 | Robin Scheffler MIT |
2021 | Sean M. Scally Central Michigan University |
Only the Dregs Will Be Left: Eugenic Masculinities in Britain and the United States, c. 1890-1920 |
2021 | Susan Swanberg University of Arizona |
The Rise & Fall of Davenport’s Dream: The De-funding of the Eugenics Record Office |
2019 | Megan Hines Stony Brook University |
Art and Biotech: Bay Area Networks, 1965-85 |
2019 | Dana von Suffrin Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Institute for History of Science |
Cooperation and Competition: The Human Genome Organization, c. 1988-2000 |
2019 | Jake Nabasny University of Buffalo |
The Epistemology of Eugenics |
2017 | Keith Burridge University of North Carolina |
The Messenger: A Play About the Discovery of Messenger RNA |
2017 | Pietra Diwan | Global Science: Transnational Knowledge in the Eugenics Records Office in the 20th Century |
2017 | Alison Kraft University of Nottingham, UK |
The Walter B. James Lab: A Case Study of Biophysics in the Interwar Period |
2017 | Helen Muller University of New Mexico |
The Papers and Letters of My Father, Hermann Joseph Muller |