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URP Alumni 2024

image of the 2024 Undergraduate Research Participants in front of the CSHL gazebo
The CSHL Undergraduate Research Program (URP) participants, Summer 2024
Student Undergraduate institution CSHL URP lab Research project title
Quinn Battagliese Bowdoin College Cowley Laboratory Predicting Behavioral Responses to Odor from Neural Activity in Mice
Claire Dao Occidental College Pouchelon Laboratory Examining how postnatal activity dynamics shape brain maturation using functional ultrasound imaging (fUSI)
Neysa Dechachutinan University of Alabama at Birmingham Tollkuhn Laboratory Development of Sex Dimorphism within the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis
Emily Foster Cumberland University Cheadle Laboratory Towards Identifying Activity Dependent Phagocytic Cues in the Brain
Maggie Gravano Marist College Schorn Laboratory The role of AGO and PIWI proteins in 3’tRF mediated transposon silencing
Anahje Hector Stony Brook University dos Santos Laboratory The Influence of Urinary Tract Infection on Mammary Tissue Physiology
Karin Hellevik University of Washington Shea Laboratory Tracking of Maternal Care in Mice
Amalia Jardiniano Stony Brook University Stillman Laboratory Tracking Orc1 in Yarrowia lipolytica
Dylan Kemmerer Gettysburg College Kinney Laboratory Quantifying capturable mRNA splicing information in splicing assays and genomic AI models
Emmie Keys University of Georgia Stillman Laboratory Origin Recognition Complex Interactions with CTCF
Alexandra Kiedrowski Niagara University Meyer Laboratory Spatial deconvolution of thymocyte development from nuclear morphology
Jason Long Stony Brook University Ware Laboratory Genetic Variation in Sorghum Landraces due to Local Climate
Faye Lynch Williams University of Cambridge Beyaz Laboratory Investigating the anti-tumour effects of PPARd gain-of-function (GOF) in myeloid cells
Breana Raehse Northeastern University Hammell Laboratory Investigating Protein-Protein Interactions between the LIN-42 / PERIOD Homolog and Nuclear Hormone Receptor DAF-12 during C. elegans¬ Development
Catherine Rasgaitis University of Washington Hou Laboratory Cross-modal Analysis of Spontaneous Facial Movements and Neural Activity in Mice
Julianna Rose Cornell University Jackson Laboratory The Role of TERMINAL EAR1 (TE1) in the Maize Response to Heat and Drought Stress
Nicholas Schiller Harvey Mudd College Westcott Laboratory Immediate impact of Kras mutation in Apc mutant precancer of the colon
Deasia Valdemar Stony Brook University Pouchelon Laboratory Manipulating Somatostatin Neurons affect on the Development of Fragile X Syndrome
Miriam Van de Water The University of Scranton Banerjee Laboratory Analyzing Audio Recordings with a Variational Autoencoder
Phuong Vo Mount Holyoke College Krainer Laboratory Elucidating the mechanism of splicing mode selection in an atypical 5’ splice site
Jordan Walter Wesleyan University Albeanu Laboratory Olfactory Bulb Neuronal Identification through BARseq Data Analysis