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CSHL Helix Society member honors late wife

photo of John Broven
Helix Society member John Broven

image of the Harbor Transcript Magazine logo Summer 2023 edition

Helix Society member John Broven recently visited Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) to view a newly installed plaque placed in memory of his late wife Shelley Galehouse Broven. Shelley’s family home was situated on CSHL’s grounds directly on the harbor for more than 50 years, and she personally knew many of the famous pioneering CSHL scientists.  During his visit, John met with Dr. John Moses, CSHL Professor and world-leader in click chemistry, a powerful discovery method used to study biological systems at the molecular level which can be applied to novel molecular tools in multidisciplinary discovery projects spanning the fields of biology and chemistry. The Moses laboratory is located in the newly renovated Demerec building where Shelley’s plaque hangs.

John and other members of the Helix Society are a special group of donors who have included CSHL as a beneficiary in their estate. Joining the Helix Society is a powerful way to impact future generations by supporting scientific progress and innovation.

If you would like information on how your legacy can fuel tomorrow’s research, we welcome the opportunity to speak with you. Please contact CSHL Advancement team member Dominique Stanley ( or 516-367-8471) to learn about the tax benefits of charitable gifts by will, trust, or Charitable Gift Annuity.