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Banbury Reports Collection processing

photo of Banbury building in Spring 2020

image of Banbury postcardIn 1976, Charles Sammis Robertson, who lived in Lloyd Harbor, about 5 miles from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, gave his estate on Banbury Lane, together with an endowment for its upkeep, to the Cold Spring Harbor Lab for use as a conference center. This postcard, incorporating a photo taken by R. Meurer, captures the Charles Sammis Robertson House looking towards Coopers Bluff.

Since 1978 the Banbury Center has been the site of competitive and intensive courses as well as international meetings on topics in biology, biomedical topics, and theoretical biology. The Center holds workshop-discussion style meetings on topics in almost every area of modern experimental biology and on important policy issues. The Banbury Report Collection consists of manuscripts, transcripts, publisher’s galleys, reprints, and correspondence with various authors and program notes relating to science-related meetings held at the Banbury Center. These materials were used in conjunction with the publication of the Banbury Reports by the Cold Spring Harbor Press.