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CSHL Association holds its annual meeting

screen capture of the 2021 CSHL Association meeting
Left to right, top to bottom: CSHL Chief External Relations Officer Karen Orzel, CSHL President and CEO Bruce Stillman and CSHLA Directors - Errol Kitt, Jack Kelly, Eddie Chernoff, Hans Bosch, Debra Del Vecchio, Mary Auersperg, Kristin Olson Smith, Ron Gottleib, Rita Ranieri, Carissa Jordan, Cynthia Stebbins, Nina Morton, Alicia Zarou Scanlon, Frank Della Fera
Not pictured: Elizabeth Ainslie, Lisa Broadbent, Barbara Callaghan, Eric Carlstrom, Nelson DeMille, David Einbinder, David Goldring, Mark Hamer, Nancy Lippman Israeli, Ashley Jostrom, Joel Kassimir, Terri Keogh, Nick Leopard, Madeline Lombardi, Michael Maturo, Marcia Kramer Mayer, Michele Bahnik Mercier, Eileen Otto, Patricia Petersen, Whitney Posillico, Hope Geier Smith, David Stark, Mary Striano

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Association (CSHLA) held its annual meeting on January 14, 2021. The meeting, held via Zoom, was hosted by CSHLA President Kristin Olson Smith and featured a talk by Professor Lloyd Trotman on his prostate cancer research, entitled “Prostate Cancer: Finding a Needle in a Haystack”.

CSHL President and CEO Bruce Stillman updated the CSHLA on the Laboratory’s recent scientific and educational achievements. Highlights included the spring 2021 opening of the DNALC NYC flagship center in Brooklyn, the new chemistry program led by Professor John Moses, and the new NeuroAI program led by Professor Tony Zador.

Stillman acknowledged and thanked retiring Association directors Peter Klein, Debbie Parmet Sondock, and Heather Spehr for their service. He then welcomed the class of 2021—Debra Del Vecchio, Jack Kelly, Errol Kitt, and Rita Ranieri.

The CSHLA and its directors are instrumental in raising funds to support the Laboratory. Directors generously host outreach events and introduce friends and colleagues to CSHL to raise awareness of its cutting-edge research and education programs.