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CSHL researchers receive support from the John Ligas Memorial Fund

Cold Spring Harbor Lab
The Hadjandreas Family with CSHL postdoctoral fellows - Mary Doherty and Matthew Fisher
John Ligas

On behalf of the John Ligas Memorial Committee, Katerina Ligas-Hadjandreas along with her three children, James, Andrew and Elena, presented checks to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory post-doctoral fellows, Drs. Mary Doherty and Matthew Fisher, to support their cancer research.  Dr. Doherty’s work in the Trotman laboratory is focused on the metastatic pancreatic cancer and Dr. Fisher studies new regulators of p63 in the Mills’ laboratory.

The Fund was established in remembrance of Katerina’s brother, John Ligas,  who in 2019 was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer.  After a 15 month battle with the disease, John lost his life.  John was a personal trainer who loved to travel to exotic destinations.  His sister, Katerina said, “John was a gift to this world.  He will be deeply missed but never forgotten.”