Student | Undergraduate institution | CSHL Advisor | Research project title |
Allison Baker | Dartmouth College | Dr. Tony Zador | A Role for Rat Auditory Cortex in Attention in Time to Auditory Stimuli |
Walter Barry | Tufts University | Dr. Bruce Stillman | Analysis of Yeast Replication Origins via Two Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis |
Colleen Carlston | Harvard University | Dr. Josh Dubnau | Pavlovian conditioning of the immune system |
Yesenia Correa | Oregon State University | Dr. Scott Powers | Influence of initial differentiated state of the normal cell on the final tumorigenic phenotype |
Eric Domb | Princeton University | Dr. Michael Zhang | In silico detection of cis-regulatory modules |
Jonathan Geisinger | Case Western Reserve University | Dr. William Tansey | Ubiquitylation and stability of an ubiquitin ligase RPC |
Richie Gerrard | University of St. Andrews | Dr. David Spector | In Vivo Studies of the H3K27 Demethylase JmjD3 |
Anna Gilman | Barnard College, Columbia University | Dr. Scott Lowe | Dissecting tumor suppressor mechanisms using conditional RNA interference |
Xun Hou | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Dr. Dick McCombie | Identifying SNP Variation of Rapidly Evolving Genes |
Chris Hsiung | University of California, Berkeley | Dr. Greg Hannon | Fishing for small RNAs in Argonaute complexes |
Erin Jimenez | University of California, Los Angeles | Dr. Dave Jackson | Further defining the location of the Abphyl2 gene by positional cloning and understanding the mechanisms controlling phyllotaxy in maize with Abphyl2 mutants |
Richard Jin | Cornell University | Dr. Rob Martienssen | Replication Initiation Points in S. pombe |
Daniel Kim | Amherst College | Dr. Adam Kepecs | Using optogenetics to study network mechanisms of theta oscillations in the hippocampus |
Tzitziki Lemus Vergara | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | Dr. Doreen Ware | Phylogenetics of the maize tetraploid Genome |
Ryan Ly | Johns Hopkins University | Dr. Partha Mitra | Learning and Memory in the Drosophila Flight Simulator |
Olga Minkina | Washington University, St. Louis | Dr. Marja Timmermans | The role of AS1/AS2 and TAS3 in determining abaxial-adaxial leaf polarity |
Forest Ray | Hunter College | Dr. Alea Mills | Tumor-Derived Mutations in CHD5 |
Susan Shen | California Institute of Technology | Dr. Josh Huang | GABA(A) receptor subcellular localization, dynamics, and function |
Zandra Walton | Amherst College | Dr. Senthil Muthuswamy | Scribble Expression in Mammary Epithelial Cells with Low let7c miRNA |
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