Student | Undergraduate institution | CSHL Advisor | Research project title |
Vineeta Agarwala | Stanford University | Dr. Michael Zhang | CTCF Binding Site Specificity and Distribution |
Albert Almada | University of California at Irvine | Dr. Andy Neuwald | Exploring the relationship between sequence, structure, and function in the alpha beta hydrolase fold family |
Robert Carrasquillo | Washington University in Saint Louis | Dr. Rob Martienssen | Effects of Differential Methylation on Transposon Activation and Gene Expression in A. thaliana |
Jonathan Chen | Oberlin College | Dr. Greg Hannon | Utilizing RNAi to Identify Metastasis-associated Genes |
Yaniv Erlich | Tel-Aviv University | Dr. Partha Mitrav | Novel Wireless Sensor Network for Electrophysiology and Behavioral Research |
Alexie Finski | International University Bremen | Dr. Zach Mainen | Two-photon imaging of spines and cell populations in head-fixed awake behaving animals |
Dailia Francis | Hunter College | Dr. Alea Millsv | Novel Tumor Suppressor Gene(s) at Human 1p36 |
Wei Kevin Gan | Harvard College | Dr. Bill Tansey | Exploring the role of the 20S proteasome subunit in transcription regulation. |
Christopher Javadi | University of Texas at Austin | Dr. Josh Dubnau | Drosophila deficiency mapping using whole-genome tiling arrays |
Betty Kong | Rutgers University | Dr. Vivek Mittal | Developing an in vitro assay for studying the function of bone marrow-derived lineage depleted cells in vasculature formation. |
Marek Kudla | Warsaw University | Dr. Rui-Ming Xu | Prp8 – the elusive structure of a crucial spliceosomal component |
Scott Millman | Cornell University | Dr. Adrian Krainer | Mutational Analysis of the Oncogenic Activity of SF2/ASF |
Alexandra Nica | International University Bremen | Dr. Dick McCombie | Genome-wide SNPs detection in /Oryza sativa /strains using a massively parallel sequencing strategy |
Krishnan Palaniappan | Carnegie Mellon University | Dr. Bruce Stillman | Binding of mitotic cyclins to Cdc6 and ORC as regulators of pre-replication complex formation. |
Vanessa Ringgold | University of California at Davis | Dr. Marja Timmermans | Investigations into the Affects of Asymetric Leaves 1 in Arabidopsis |
Margot Rommens | University of Leuven | Dr. Linda Van Aelst | Oligophrenin: where art thou? Detecting OPHN-specific phage clones for subsequent germ line manipulation in mice |
Tasleem Samji | Cambridge University | Dr. Senthil Muthuswamy | Silencing Par6a in Breast Epithelial Cell Lines |
Christian Sanchez-Jordan | Johns Hopkins University | Dr. Rob Lucito | High Throughput RT-qPCR: Narrowing the list of candidate tumor suppressor genes in ovarian and other cancers |
Nora Seidl | Cambridge University | Dr. Dave Jackson | Isolation of FEA2 and associated proteins |
Victoria Svinti | Nui Maynooth, Ireland | Dr. Lincoln Stein | Programmed frameshifts in Paramecium |
Thomas Takara | Grinell University | Dr. Leemor Joshua-Tor | A structural investigation of papillomavirus replication initiation protein E1 |
Ye Wang | University of Rochester | Dr. Cordula Shultz | Ppd – To Be Stem Cells, Or Not To Be |
Kelly Wetmore | University of California Los Angeles | Dr. Wolfgang Lukowitz | Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci that modify mutations in SHORT SUSPENSOR, a predicted kinase regulating plant embryogenesis |
Laura Wherity | Oxford University | Dr. Alex Koulakov | Obtaining graded values of synaptic strength in the CaMKII and PP1 feedback loop in neurons |
David Wurtz | Olin College of Engineering | Dr. Yuri Lazebrnik | The Cause and Effect of Multinucleation |
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