Meeting Agendas
As available, the Banbury Center provides meeting reports and/or links to publications on our website in order to allow more widespread benefit from meeting discussions. In the interim between the conclusion of a meeting, and preparation of a report or publication, we will post the meeting agenda and list of participants so that interested individuals can track meetings that have occurred, but for which reports are not yet available.
For pre-2016 agendas, please see Annual Reports
- Systems Neuroimmunology: Innovative Strategies, Milestone Objectives, and Research Priorities (PDF)
- Kickoff Meeting: Working Group on Innovations in Nitrogen Circular Economies (INCE) (PDF)
- Fulfilling the Promise of Nanopore Sequencing in Education (PDF)
- Cognition and Behavior in Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) (PDF)
- An “Indigenous Reference Genome”: Ethical, Cultural, Policy, and Governance Considerations (PDF)
- AI and HIV Programs in Africa (PDF)
- Cancer during Pregnancy (PDF)
- Mitochondrial Psychobiology (PDF)
- MYC Oncoproteins for New Tumor Therapies (PDF)
- Persistence, Senescence, and Cell Death (PDF)
- The Future of Investigational Medicine: Utilizing Science to Optimize the Early Phase Oncology Clinical Trial Effort (PDF)
- Enhancing Recovery from Sepsis-induced Organ Dysfunction (PDF)
- FMRP Restoration: Definitive Therapies in Fragile X (PDF)
- Developing an Ethical Framework for Psychedelics Research and Use (PDF)
- Strengthening the Role of Evaluation in the Sustainable Development Agenda for Health (PDF)
- The Future of Plant-Environment Interactions: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Climate (PDF)
- Integrating Exposomics into the Biomedical Enterprise (PDF)
- Developing an Ethical Framework for Human Research in Private Spaceflight (PDF)
- Programmed Cell Death in Microorganisms (PDF)
- Best Practices in Science Philanthropy: Ethical Issues in Bestowing Grants and Awards, Forming Partnerships, and Selecting Board Members and Advisors (PDF)
- Pediatric Brain Tumors (PDF)
- The Human Gene Catalog: When and how will we finally determine the identities of all human genes? (PDF)
- Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing Countries (PDF)
- New Approaches to Enduring Questions in Regenerative Biology (PDF)
- Re-examining the Role of Statistical Methods in Biology Research (PDF)
- Future Concepts for Disruptive Therapeutics (PDF)
- Optimizing Effective Coverage of HIV/STI Prevention and Care Programs: A Program Science Approach (PDF)
- Making Career-spanning Learning in the Life Sciences Inclusive and Effective for All (PDF)
- Perinatal Transmission of Lyme Disease (PDF)
- The Nervous System in Cancer (PDF)
- Microbiology of the Built Environment (PDF)
- CaMKII and its Role as a Self-tuning Structural Protein at the Synapse (PDF)
- Emerging Issues of Privacy, Trust, and Societal Benefit from Consumer Genomics (PDF)
- Reconceptualizing the Challenges of Direct-to-Consumer Health Products (PDF)
- Bridging the Research-to-Practice Chasm in Digital Mental Health (PDF)
- Liquid Biopsies (PDF)
- Intermediate Indicators for Impact: The art and science of effective definition and use of prevention indicators in the HIV response (PDF)
- The Plant Microbiota (PDF)
- Glioblastoma: Why is impactful science so hard to translate? (PDF)
- Integrated Control of Feeding and Energy Balance by Hypothalamic and Hindbrain Circuits (PDF)
- Cancer Immunotherapy: Where to Go Next (PDF)
- Cancer Fibroblasts and Therapies (PDF)
- DNA for Digital Storage II (PDF)
- Computational Psychiatry (PDF)
- The Evolving Phenomenon of Direct-to-Consumer Neuroscience (PDF)
- DNA for Digital Storage (PDF)
- Bats: New Models for Aging Research (PDF)
- Signals of Trust in Science Communication (PDF)
- What is needed for a comprehensive, community response to HIV? (PDF)
- Non-Opioid Management of Chronic Pain: Developing Value-Based Models for Diagnosis and Treatment (PDF)
- Quantitative Approaches to Naturalistic Behaviors (PDF)
- Emerging Data on the Role of Wnt Biology in Cancer (PDF)
- Autophagy and Cancer (PDF)
- Towards a Cure for Advanced Stage Ovarian Carcinoma (PDF)
- Why Does the Neocortex have Layers and Columns (PDF)
- Diverse Functions of Neutrophils in Cancer (PDF)
- Revolutionizing Agriculture with Synthetic Biology (PDF)
- Increasing Gender Diversity in the Biosciences (PDF)
- Phase Separated Assemblies in Cell Biology (PDF)
- Chemiexcitation in Human Disease & Aging (PDF)
- Enhanceropathies: Enhancer Function Variation in Animal Development, Morphological Variation, and Disease (PDF)
- Ferroptosis: A Critical Review (PDF)
- Better Cancer Therapy from Redox Biology (PDF)
- Maximizing Impact of New HIV Prevention Technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa (PDF)
- Opportunities for Reduction of Aflatoxin Contamination of Food (PDF)
- Neuropharmacology and Human Stem Cell Models (PDF)
- NLRs Sans Frontières (PDF)
- Metformin: Translating Biology into the Clinic (PDF)
- Cell Biology of ALS: Emerging Themes from Human Genetics (PDF)
- Protective Immunity and Vaccines for Lyme Disease (PDF)