New Users
The Library has two self-checkout stations that can be used 24/7 with your CSHL ID. One is on the main floor near the front entrance, the other in the basement with the main circulating collection.
To get set up in the system, or if the “user not found” message comes up on the screen, please see Paula in room 108 or contact her at or 516-367-8479.
Using the Stations
There are screen instructions to guide you while using the self-checkout stations. The stations are touchscreen, relatively easy to use, and can give you a receipt. After using a station to return books, you may leave them on the booktruck downstairs or bring them to Gail or Paula if you’re using the upstairs station. Please use the bookdrop (inside the front door) only when the Library is not staffed. The stations are for your convenience. Please don’t hesitate to see Gail or Paula if you’d rather we handle the transaction(s) or if you run into a problem while using them. The stations can also be used to renew books, or you may contact Gail or Paula (see contact info below) about renewals. You needn’t come to the Library to renew. If you run into any problems while using the stations, please let us know so we can fix them. If you have to leave the building without having checked out your books (times when the Library isn’t staffed), please let us know which books you have.