Policies on Borrowing Library Materials
Circulating collections
Most books can be borrowed for 4 weeks and can be renewed using our self checkout machines. You can also renew books online using the My Account feature in the online catalog or by contacting me. You can return books in the bookdrop (located in the front vestibule), or send them back through interoffice mail. Please mail books back to the Library if you’re off campus or have left CSHL.
Please contact Paula (abisogni@cshl.edu, extension 8479, room 108) if you have any questions, experience any problems, or if you’d like me to send you any books.
Books and collections that must be used in the library
Archives and Special Collections materials may only be used in the library and only by appointment. For more information, please contact archives@cshl.edu or call 516-367-8414.
The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Library provides electronic resources (e.g., Journals, Books, or Abstracting databases) to support the instructional, research and service activities of CSHL staff and students. These resources are purchased or leased by the Library either directly or through consortia and are governed by license and contract agreements. Each license or contract, whether purchased individually or as a group, contains strict guidelines on the use of the resource.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory does not permit the illegal downloading and/or sharing of copyrighted material in any form or manner. Electronic resources are copyrighted and are subject to all applicable copyright and database protection rights under the laws of the United States and other countries. All utilizations of these products including downloading, printing or creating copies of content from these resources must be consistent with existing “fair use” law as defined by the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code).
License Agreements and Contracts
Each electronic resource subscribed to or purchased includes a license agreement or contract that details permissions and restrictions on use. Common restrictions include, but are not limited to:
- Materials may be used for scholarly, educational and/or scientific research purposes; any selling, distributing, licensing, or renting of materials for commercial uses is prohibited.
- Materials may be used by authorized users only. Authorized users include Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory researchers, staff and students and those who have been allowed access to the Library’s computer workstations.
- Authorized users may download, store on a PC (or other storage device), or print single copies of documents from the resource for his/her own non-commercial use, provided user maintains all copyright and other notices contained in such material.
- Systematic and/or substantial downloading or reproduction of materials is prohibited. Only a reasonable number of records, articles or chapters may be downloaded for personal use. Use of Web crawlers, robots, or any other software packages or systematic searching tools or programs is forbidden.
- Any proprietary and/or copyright notices, author attribution or disclaimers on the materials may not be deleted or modified.
Access Privileges
Individuals who do not comply with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Library’s electronic resource licensing agreements/contracts will have their library access suspended.
Inappropriate use of materials may result in blocked access to the resources for all CSHL users.
In today’s complicated world of scholarly publishing it’s important that all authors understand the rights they have and how they can preserve them to ensure they can freely distribute their works.
What is Copyright?
All authors need to be aware that Copyright is composed of a number of rights which work together.
These rights include
- the right to reproduce the work
- the right to prepare derivative works based on the original
- the right to distribute copies to the public
- the right to perform the work publicly
- the right to display the work publicly
Your Authors Rights and Publishing
When publishing a scholarly work, either a book or a journal article, it is not necessary to sign away all of your rights as an author to a publisher.
Traditionally Publishers want ALL of the author copyright transferred to them however they DO NOT need all of the rights
As an author you are allowed to license the specific rights to publishers that are necessary them to publish your book or journal article.
To learn more about Author Copyright and how to unbundle your rights for publication you can view the Copyright and author rights Powerpoint presentation on the ACRL website. This provides a brief overview of their rights as authors.
To learn about how to negotiate with publishers to preserve your rights go to the SPARC’s Author Addenda site. This provides examples and guidance on how to use an author addendum to preserve your rights when negotiating with a publisher.
Publishers policies regarding copyright
Below are examples of publisher policies from some top journals where CSHL authors commonly publish. For a more extensive list of publisher policies please see the publisher policies page in our Author Rights and Copyright libguide.
Authors transfer copyright to Elsevier as part of a journal publishing agreement if not electing to pay an open access publishing fee, but have the right to:
- Share their article for Personal Use, Internal Institutional Use and Scholarly Sharing purposes, with a DOI link to the version of record on ScienceDirect (and with the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND license for author manuscript versions)
- Retain patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights (including raw research data).
- Proper attribution and credit for the published work.
Genes and Development
Authors of articles published by CSHL Press retain copyright on their articles (except for US Government employees) but grant Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press exclusive right to publish the articles. This grant of rights lasts for six months following full-issue publication for all non-Open Access articles and includes the rights to publish, reproduce, distribute, display, and store the article in all formats; to translate the article into other languages; to create adaptations, summaries, extracts, or derivations of the article; and to license others to do any or all of the above. Authors of articles can reuse their articles in their work as long as the journal is credited as the place of original publication.
PLOS applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to works we publish. This license was developed to facilitate open access—namely, free immediate access to, and unrestricted reuse of, original works of all types. Under this license, authors agree to make articles legally available for reuse, without permission or fees, for virtually any purpose. Anyone may copy, distribute or reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly cited.
As a PNAS author, you and your employing institution or company retain extensive rights for use of your materials and intellectual property. You retain these rights and permissions without having to obtain explicit permission from PNAS, provided that you cite the original source.
Science requires that, before manuscript acceptance, authors sign a license agreement granting AAAS exclusive rights to use and authorize use of their contribution. The authors retain copyright as well as rights to make certain uses of the work.
Journal of Neuroscience
Copyright of all material published in The Journal of Neuroscience remains with the authors. The authors grant the Society for Neuroscience an exclusive license to publish their work for the first 6 months. After 6 months the work becomes available to the public to copy, distribute, or display under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
NPG does not require authors of original (primary) research papers to assign copyright of their published contributions. Authors grant NPG an exclusive licence to publish, in return for which they can reuse their papers in their future printed work without first requiring permission from the publisher of the journal.
For more information or information about journals not listed here you can contact the Library via our webchat, Library Help email, by phone or in person at the Library.