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Genes and Development

Genes & Development publishes high-quality research papers of broad general interest and biological significance in the areas of molecular biology, molecular genetics, and related fields. In addition to Review Articles and Perspectives, Genes & Development publishes three research formats—Research papers, short Research Communications, and Resource/Methodology papers.

Genes & Development has been named one of the Top Five Research Journals in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Genes & Development has a 5-year Impact Factor of 11.7 and is ranked #2 among Developmental Biology research journals, #6 in Genetics and Heredity, and in the Top 20 in Cell Biology (ISI Journal Citation Reports®, 2022).

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Genome Research

Launched in 1995, Genome Research is an international, continuously published, peer-reviewed journal that publishes studies on the structure, function, biology, and evolution of genomes of all organisms, with a long-standing emphasis on genome-scale analyses, chromatin structure and function, epigenomics, systems genetics, and proteomics. It also features gene discoveries that provide novel insights and reports of high-throughput experimental and computational approaches.

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Learning & Memory

The neurobiology of learning and memory is entering a new interdisciplinary era. Advances in neuropsychology have identified regions of brain tissue that are critical for certain types of function. Electrophysiological techniques have revealed behavioral correlates of neuronal activity. Studies of synaptic plasticity suggest that some mechanisms of memory formation may resemble those of neural development. And molecular approaches have identified genes with patterns of expression that influence behavior. It is clear that future progress depends on interdisciplinary investigations. The current literature of learning and memory is large but fragmented. Until now, there has been no single journal devoted to this area of study and no dominant journal that demands attention by serious workers in the area, regardless of specialty. Learning & Memory provides a forum for these investigations in the form of research papers and review articles.

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Life Science Alliance

Life Science Alliance is a global, open-access, editorially independent, and peer-reviewed journal launched by an alliance of EMBO Press, Rockefeller University Press, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Life Science Alliance is committed to rapid, fair, and transparent publication of valuable research from across all areas in the life sciences.

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Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology

Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology is a monthly online publication comprising reviews spanning the complete spectrum of the molecular life sciences. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology provides the life sciences community with authoritative analyses of progress in emerging areas of molecular, cell, and developmental biology, genetics, evolutionary biology, neuroscience, cancer biology, and molecular pathology. The contributions are written by leading researchers in each field and commissioned as Subject Collections by a board of eminent academic editors, all of whom are acknowledged to be key figures in their particular fields. These Subject Collections gradually accumulate articles as new issues of the journal are published and, when complete, each represents a comprehensive survey of the field it covers. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology is thus unmatched in its depth of coverage and represents an essential source where readers can find informed surveys and critical discussion of advances in the molecular life sciences.

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Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine

Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine is a monthly online publication comprising reviews on different aspects of a variety of diseases, covering everything from the molecular and cellular bases of disease to translational medicine and new therapeutic strategies. The contributions are written by experts in each field and commissioned as Subject Collections by a board of eminent scientists and physicians, all of whom are acknowledged to be key figures in their particular fields. These Subject Collections gradually accumulate articles as new issues of the journal are published and, when complete, each represents a comprehensive survey of the field it covers. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine is thus unmatched in its depth of coverage and represents an essential source where readers can find informed surveys and critical discussion of advances in molecular medicine.

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Cold Spring Harbor Protocols

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is renowned for its teaching of biomedical research techniques. For decades, participants in its celebrated, hands-on courses and users of its laboratory manuals have gained access to the most authoritative and reliable methods in molecular and cellular biology. Now that access has moved online.

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols is an interdisciplinary journal providing a definitive source of research methods in cell, developmental and molecular biology, genetics, bioinformatics, protein science, computational biology, immunology, neuroscience, and imaging. Each monthly issue details multiple essential methods—a mix of cutting-edge and well-established techniques. All protocols are up-to-date and presented in a consistent, easy-to-follow format.

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols—continuing Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s 60-year tradition as a source of trusted techniques.

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RNA serves as an international forum for publishing original reports on RNA research in the broadest sense. The journal aims to unify this field by cutting across established disciplinary lines and focusing on “RNA-centered” science.

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