Harbor Transcript: Winter 2023
Table of contents
- Breaking new ground
for science and society - Is AI actually intelligent?
- Next-gen scientists, meet next-gen technology
- Teaching the teachers
- STARS light the way
- WiSE has fun with DNA
- CSHL launches PREP program
- Meet the graduates
- Foundations for the Future
- Partnering on drug discoveries
- The Double Helix Medals dinner
Faculty & Friends
- New CSHL Trustee
- Basic brilliance
- Advancing diversity
- Breaking STEMM barriers
- Honorary Doctors of Science
- RNA and … dentistry!
- Excellence in Healthcare
- Sun rises
- BRAIN CONNECTS - Partha Mitra
- BRAIN CONNECTS - Anthony Zador
- NCI MERIT award
- A national alliance
- “Sing” it loud
- First in MIND
- 22nd Annual Women’s Partnership for Science breaks records