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CSHL celebrates SBS Class of 2024

image of the School of Biological Sciences class of 2024
The CSHL School of Biological Sciences Class of 2024, with CSHL faculty and staff. Left to right: Dennis Mann Singh Maharjan, Jonathan M. Werner, CSHL President & CEO Bruce Stillman, Marie Dussauze, honorary degree recipient Cori Bargmann, CSHL Director of Research Leemor Joshua-Tor, King Hei (Teri) Cheng, Salomé Carcy, CSHL Director of Graduate Studies Zachary Lippman, Ziqi Amber Tang, Shushan Toneyan, Ziyi Mo, Danielle Hunter Ciren, and Cole Gregory Wunderlich.

On May 5, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) School of Biological Sciences (SBS) celebrated its 21st commencement ceremony. The SBS conferred Doctor of Philosophy degrees on 11 graduates. The School also awarded neurobiologist Cori Bargmann, Ph.D. an honorary Doctor of Science degree.

“For over 130 years, CSHL has remained true to its mission of educating at all levels,” says Director of Graduate Studies Zachary Lippman. “The many experiences these 11 individuals have had here, within and beyond science, will give them comfort and confidence to rise to the level of their greatest potential.”

Honorary degree recipient Cori Bargmann’s research focuses on the roundworm C. elegans. Her work explores C. elegans genetics and the neural pathways controlling behavior. She is the Torsten N. Wiesel Professor and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Rockefeller University and a recipient of the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience and the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences. From 2013-14, Bargmann co-chaired the advisory group to the NIH Director for President Obama’s BRAIN Initiative.

This year’s Winship Herr Award for Excellence in Teaching went to CSHL Assistant Professor and 2016 SBS alum Arkarup Banerjee. The annual award is named for the graduate school’s founding dean. Its recipient is chosen by first-year students.

This year marks the School of Biological Sciences’ 25th anniversary. Since its founding in 1999, the SBS has enrolled 206 students and conferred 156 doctoral degrees. The Class of 2024 joins a distinguished group of alumni. Their achievements include many prestigious fellowships and awards as well as over 500 publications. To date, 48 SBS graduates have secured faculty positions at leading academic institutions around the world. Graduates have also moved on to influential roles across the private sector.

Written by: Nick Wurm, Communications Specialist | | 516-367-5940

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