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Cocktails & Chromosomes is back—watch now, but BYOB!

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s (CSHL’s) Cocktails & Chromosomes event series made its triumphant return on June 29. Dozens gathered at Industry bar in Huntington, New York, to hear CSHL NeuroAI Scholar Kyle Daruwalla talk about the current state of AI research. In addition to discussing revolutionary new platforms like ChatGPT, Daruwalla went into some of his own work at CSHL, which focuses on making AI more energy efficient.

Why does that matter? Well, let’s think about those revolutionary new platforms. Bringing them online takes more than the simple flick of a switch. They need to be trained first. As Daruwalla explains, the process requires huge amounts of energy. And that means massive greenhouse gas emissions. Beyond AI’s carbon footprint, there’s also the important matter of access—making it so this new technology can help everyone, not just a lucky few.

If you missed Daruwalla’s crowd-pleasing presentation, you can watch it in full above. And be sure to register early for the next installment of Cocktails & Chromosomes, with CSHL Professor David Jackson, Thursday, July 27.