The Exploratorium is a museum of science, art, and human perception housed within the walls of San Francisco’s historic Palace of Fine Arts. Part of the Exploratorium’s award-winning website, which hosts 12 million visitors per year, includes its Origins project. Origins explores the people, culture, ideas, and tools that drive scientific discovery in a variety of fields. Subjects of Origins have included the CERN particle physics laboratory outside Geneva, Switzerland, the McMurdo Station in Antarctica, the Hubble Space Telescope, and the Las Cuevas Research Station in Belize. The Exploratorium has now launched a new Origins project about CSHL called Unwinding DNA: Life at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Through a series of visits to several parts of the main campus, the Genome Research Center, and Uplands Farm, the artists, writers, filmmakers, and producers of Unwinding DNA explore many aspects of the history of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, the role of CSHL in the birth and growth of molecular biology, the 50th Anniversary of the double helix, and modern plant biology, genomics, and neuroscience research.
In addition, through live and archived webcasts of one-on-one interviews and other dispatches issued during the The Biology of DNA meeting, the Exploratorium uses Unwinding DNA to explain how scientific meetings fuel the process of discovery. The Origins project Unwinding DNA: Life at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is available at
Written by: Communications Department | | 516-367-8455