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Cold Spring Harbor Lab

Caught on camera! CSHL’s Partners for the Future dabble in cutting-edge science, a program on Verizon’s FiOS1 channel, was recently on campus to follow two high school seniors as they went about their daily routine in their respective CSHL labs. The students are part of CSHL’s prestigious, 20-year old Partners for the Future program, which, each year, gives up to a dozen talented high school seniors the opportunity to spend part of the year solving real scientific problems alongside world-class scientists at CSHL. Spanning diverse fields such as cancer and plant genetics, bioinformatics and neuroscience, the students’ projects give them a taste of the research process while immersing them in the culture of an academic lab.

Watch the video to learn what two of this year’s “PFFs,” Heather Szilagyi of Cold Spring Harbor High School and Victoria Lellis of Harborfield High School had to say about their experience at CSHL.

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