On May 1 2022, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) School of Biological Sciences (SBS) awarded Doctor of Philosophy degrees to ten graduates. CSHL Press Executive Director John R. Inglis and Assistant Director Richard Sever were awarded honorary SBS degrees.
2022 marks the 23rd anniversary of the school. To date, SBS has enrolled 203 students and conferred doctoral degrees upon 134 students. The scientific achievements of SBS graduates are represented by more than 475 publications and many prestigious fellowships and awards. Alumni have moved on to influential positions in academic faculty, administration, education, industry, management consulting, and publishing.
“The students graduating today have persevered through more than two years of difficult times caused by the global pandemic, but I have been very impressed with their accomplishments in research and education,” said CSHL President and CEO Bruce Stillman. “I congratulate them on a great achievement and look forward to following their success as they take new paths in their life’s journey.”
John R. Inglis and Richard Sever co-founded the Laboratory’s preprint servers bioRxiv and medRxiv, a free service for the distribution of biology and health science research manuscripts online without the delay and frustrations of traditional peer review-based publication. “The servers are used each month by thousands of authors and millions of readers worldwide. And we are immensely proud of that. To be at its best, science must be shared as widely as possible,” said Inglis. In 2020, medRxiv became the primary channel for COVID-19 pandemic research that included epidemiological data, treatments, vaccine development, variant identification, and clinical trials.
The Winship Herr Award for Excellence in Teaching was presented to CSHL Associate Professor Christopher Hammell. The award, named for the founding dean of the graduate school, is given annually to a teacher chosen by the school’s first-year students.
Written by: Luis Sandoval, Communications Specialist | sandova@cshl.edu | 516-367-6826