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CSHL postdocs receive NARSAD Young Investigator Grants

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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Roman Dvorkin, Ph.D., and Xian Zhang, Ph.D., were recently selected by the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation to each receive a 2019 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant (pdf).

The grants, which support young scientists conducting neurobiological and psychiatric research, provide promising investigators with up to $70,000 over two years to help them extend their research fellowship training or begin careers as independent research faculty. The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation awarded the first NARSAD Young Investigator Grant in 1987.

Dvorkin Roman
Roman Dvorkin Ph.D.
Xian Zhang
Xian Zhang Ph.D.

Dvorkin, a postdoctoral fellow in Associate Professor Stephen Shea’s lab, will test whether aspects of social anxiety are mediated by stress-induced changes in a brain region called the locus coeruleus.

Zhang, a postdoctoral fellow in Professor Bo Li’s lab, wants to understand the neural circuits underlying the processing of negative feedback and reward information in depression.

“BBRF Young Investigator grants have led to groundbreaking research that has improved the lives of people living with mental illness,” said Herbert Pardes, M.D. President of the BBRF Scientific Council Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. “These early-career scientists are making significant strides in basic research, early intervention and diagnostic tools, new technologies, and next-generation therapies that will offer the best hope for change and advances in treatments for brain and behavior disorders.”

Written by: Communications Department | | 516-367-8455

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