Got Lactase?

Registration in advance through Eventbrite is required | $25
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am EST
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Grades 5–8
Over 60% of humans worldwide are lactose intolerant. This intolerance is considered an ancestral trait because early humans were all intolerant. Like other mammals, lactose intolerant humans stop producing the digestive enzyme lactase after weaning. Why, then, are some humans now able to continue drinking milk after infancy? Join us to better understand the very interesting story of how a combination of genetics and culture has affected our evolution and perform lab investigations that explore enzyme function and demonstrate how enzymes such as lactase are used in the food industry.
February Winter Break Fun at the Dolan DNA Learning Center in Cold Spring Harbor!
- Reservations for each session must be made through Eventbrite.
- Sessions are $25 per session, plus Eventbrite registration fee.
- Sessions for 5–8 grades are scheduled in the mornings, and 9–12 grades in the afternoons.
- Seats for each session are limited to 8 students and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. A second session for each topic will open if the first fills; the second session will begin a half-hour later for social distancing safety.
- Parents will receive an email prior to registered programs with instructions for drop off and daily health surveys.