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CSHL President Bruce Stillman wins Heineken Prize

photo of Bruce Stillman
Bruce Stillman

image of the Winter 2020 Harbor Transcript logo

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) President and CEO Bruce Stillman has been awarded the Dr. H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics. Stillman is being honored for his ground-breaking research on the way DNA is copied in eukaryotic cells, a crucial component to understanding genetics.

The Dr. H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and Biophysics is bestowed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. The award honors top international researchers in biochemistry and/or biophysics whose scientific work offers new perspectives, achieves breakthroughs, and opens up new avenues for others.

In addition to the Heineken Prize, Stillman has been elected to the Royal Society, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Australian Academy of Science. He has received the Gairdner Award, the Basic Science award from the Society of Surgical Oncology, the Herbert Tabor Research Award, the Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize, and been named an American Association for Cancer Research Fellow.

Written by: Sara Roncero-Menendez, Media Strategist | | 516-367-8455

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