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Education Innovators – Pathways into research

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) welcomes budding scientists into the community through a number of programs and experiences. During this episode of LIVE At the Lab, recorded July 1, 2021, four panelists discuss how they became involved: CSHL School of Biological Sciences Associate Dean Monn Monn Myat supervises high school students in the Partners for the Future (PFF) program and undergraduates in the Undergraduate Research Program (URP); she is an URP alum. CSHL DNA Learning Center Assistant Director Jason Williams, runs programs for high school students, with some targeting underrepresented minorities. CSHL graduate student Connor Fitzpatrick mentors his younger URP and PFF colleagues. High school student and CSHL PFF student Diana Benedicto-Jimenez talked about how her experiences are inspiring her to pursue a scientific career.

Read the related story: LIVE At the Lab – Education Innovators: Pathways into research