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Dr. Hollis Cline appointed as Associate Director for Research

Dr. Hollis Cline has accepted the position of Associate Director for Research at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Holly assumed the position on August 1, 2002, following a reorganization of the research leadership of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. As Associate Director for Research, Holly will play an important role in the future research directions of the Laboratory, as well as budget management for the research program and implementing the decisions of the Laboratory Director. Holly is the Charles Robertson Professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and has made major contributions to the understanding of brain development and function. She is an outstanding neuroscientist who has already helped expand the highly successful neuroscience program at the Laboratory. Her broad knowledge of neuroscience, coupled with an interest in cancer research, make her an obvious choice to help lead the Laboratory’s research program.

Bruce Stillman
Director and CEO

For more information, call 516-367-6947

Written by: Communications Department | | 516-367-8455

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About Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Founded in 1890, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has shaped contemporary biomedical research and education with programs in cancer, neuroscience, plant biology and quantitative biology. Home to eight Nobel Prize winners, the private, not-for-profit Laboratory employs 1,000 people including 600 scientists, students and technicians. The Meetings & Courses Program annually hosts more than 12,000 scientists. The Laboratory’s education arm also includes an academic publishing house, a graduate school and the DNA Learning Center with programs for middle, high school, and undergraduate students and teachers. For more information, visit