WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.960 --> 00:00:03.030 infants<00:00:01.439> born<00:00:01.760> with<00:00:01.920> the<00:00:02.040> most<00:00:02.320> severe<00:00:02.760> form 00:00:03.030 --> 00:00:03.040 infants born with the most severe form 00:00:03.040 --> 00:00:05.150 infants born with the most severe form of<00:00:03.240> SMA<00:00:03.959> often<00:00:04.240> don't<00:00:04.480> make<00:00:04.640> it<00:00:04.759> to<00:00:04.920> their 00:00:05.150 --> 00:00:05.160 of SMA often don't make it to their 00:00:05.160 --> 00:00:07.829 of SMA often don't make it to their second<00:00:05.919> birthday<00:00:06.919> but<00:00:07.120> researchers<00:00:07.720> have 00:00:07.829 --> 00:00:07.839 second birthday but researchers have 00:00:07.839 --> 00:00:11.830 second birthday but researchers have been<00:00:08.080> studying<00:00:08.480> how<00:00:08.599> to<00:00:08.800> fix<00:00:09.080> this<00:00:09.240> splicing 00:00:11.830 --> 00:00:11.840 been studying how to fix this splicing 00:00:11.840 --> 00:00:15.749 been studying how to fix this spliacing problem<00:00:12.840> one<00:00:13.120> solution<00:00:13.679> is<00:00:13.920> called<00:00:14.599> Nusinersen<00:00:15.599> it 00:00:15.749 --> 00:00:15.759 problem one solution is called Nusinersen it 00:00:15.759 --> 00:00:19.990 problem one solution is called Nusinersen it enables<00:00:16.359> SMA<00:00:16.880> patients<00:00:17.320> to<00:00:17.520> make<00:00:17.880> more<00:00:18.279> SMN 00:00:19.990 --> 00:00:20.000 enables SMA patients to make more SMN 00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:22.269 enables SMA patients to make more SMN protein<00:00:21.000> but 00:00:22.269 --> 00:00:22.279 protein but 00:00:22.279 --> 00:00:26.390 protein but how<00:00:23.279> Nusinersen<00:00:24.359> is<00:00:24.599> a<00:00:24.800> short<00:00:25.199> sequence<00:00:25.640> of<00:00:25.840> RNA 00:00:26.390 --> 00:00:26.400 how Nusinersen is a short sequence of RNA 00:00:26.400 --> 00:00:29.349 how Nusinersen is a short sequence of RNA that<00:00:26.560> binds<00:00:27.160> just<00:00:27.519> after<00:00:27.880> Exxon<00:00:28.320> 7<00:00:29.039> in<00:00:29.199> the 00:00:29.349 --> 00:00:29.359 that binds just after Exxon 7 in the 00:00:29.359 --> 00:00:31.429 that binds just after Exxon 7 in the unedit<00:00:30.279> RNA 00:00:31.429 --> 00:00:31.439 unedit RNA 00:00:31.439 --> 00:00:34.430 unedit RNA message<00:00:32.439> this<00:00:32.680> tiny<00:00:33.000> piece<00:00:33.200> of<00:00:33.360> RNA<00:00:33.920> prevents 00:00:34.430 --> 00:00:34.440 message this tiny piece of RNA prevents 00:00:34.440 --> 00:00:38.030 message this tiny piece of RNA prevents Exxon<00:00:34.879> 7<00:00:35.239> from<00:00:35.440> being<00:00:36.200> skipped<00:00:37.200> it<00:00:37.320> is<00:00:37.600> called 00:00:38.030 --> 00:00:38.040 Exxon 7 from being skipped it is called 00:00:38.040 --> 00:00:41.670 Exxon 7 from being skipped it is called an<00:00:38.200> anti-sense<00:00:39.280> oligonucleotide<00:00:40.280> or 00:00:41.670 --> 00:00:41.680 an anti-sense oligonucleotide or 00:00:41.680 --> 00:00:45.950 an anti-sense oligonucleotide or ASO<00:00:42.680> Exon<00:00:43.120> 7<00:00:43.600> is<00:00:43.760> now<00:00:44.000> included<00:00:44.920> in<00:00:45.200> the<00:00:45.399> edited 00:00:45.950 --> 00:00:45.960 ASO Exon 7 is now included in the edited 00:00:45.960 --> 00:00:48.630 ASO Exon 7 is now included in the edited RNA<00:00:46.320> message<00:00:46.960> which<00:00:47.199> in<00:00:47.360> turn<00:00:47.800> generates 00:00:48.630 --> 00:00:48.640 RNA message which in turn generates 00:00:48.640 --> 00:00:53.630 RNA message which in turn generates fulllength<00:00:49.600> functional<00:00:50.199> SMN<00:00:50.520> 00:00:53.630 --> 00:00:53.640 00:00:53.640 --> 00:00:56.470 protein<00:00:54.640> by<00:00:54.840> preventing<00:00:55.280> xon<00:00:55.719> 7<00:00:56.039> from<00:00:56.239> being 00:00:56.470 --> 00:00:56.480 protein by preventing xon 7 from being 00:00:56.480 --> 00:00:59.509 protein by preventing xon 7 from being skipped<00:00:57.000> Nusinersen<00:00:57.760> reverses<00:00:58.320> symptoms<00:00:58.840> in<00:00:59.039> SMA 00:00:59.509 --> 00:00:59.519 skipped Nusinersen reverses symptoms in SMA 00:00:59.519 --> 00:01:01.920 skipped Nusinersen reverses symptoms in SMA patients