WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:01.240 --> 00:00:03.790 let's<00:00:01.480> say<00:00:01.680> The<00:00:01.839> SMN<00:00:02.360> Gene<00:00:02.800> generates<00:00:03.320> RNA 00:00:03.790 --> 00:00:03.800 let's say The SMN Gene generates RNA 00:00:03.800 --> 00:00:07.190 let's say The SMN Gene generates RNA copies<00:00:04.240> made<00:00:04.440> up<00:00:04.759> of<00:00:04.960> introns<00:00:05.640> and<00:00:05.839> exons<00:00:06.440> like 00:00:07.190 --> 00:00:07.200 copies made up of introns and exons like 00:00:07.200 --> 00:00:09.870 copies made up of introns and exons like this<00:00:08.200> normal<00:00:08.519> RNA<00:00:08.960> splicing<00:00:09.400> would<00:00:09.559> delete 00:00:09.870 --> 00:00:09.880 this normal RNA splicing would delete 00:00:09.880 --> 00:00:12.030 this normal RNA splicing would delete the<00:00:10.000> introns<00:00:10.759> the<00:00:10.880> gibberish<00:00:11.440> letters<00:00:11.840> in 00:00:12.030 --> 00:00:12.040 the introns the gibberish letters in 00:00:12.040 --> 00:00:14.749 the introns the gibberish letters in blue<00:00:12.840> and<00:00:12.960> leave<00:00:13.320> only<00:00:13.599> the<00:00:13.759> exons<00:00:14.400> the<00:00:14.519> red 00:00:14.749 --> 00:00:14.759 blue and leave only the exons the red 00:00:14.759 --> 00:00:17.310 blue and leave only the exons the red letters<00:00:15.559> generating<00:00:16.160> the<00:00:16.279> following<00:00:16.760> message 00:00:17.310 --> 00:00:17.320 letters generating the following message 00:00:17.320 --> 00:00:19.349 letters generating the following message draw<00:00:17.640> a<00:00:17.840> big<00:00:18.119> house<00:00:18.439> on<00:00:18.600> the<00:00:18.720> corner<00:00:19.080> of<00:00:19.199> the 00:00:19.349 --> 00:00:19.359 draw a big house on the corner of the 00:00:19.359 --> 00:00:20.830 draw a big house on the corner of the wide 00:00:20.830 --> 00:00:20.840 wide 00:00:20.840 --> 00:00:23.990 wide Street<00:00:21.840> in<00:00:22.080> SMA<00:00:22.680> it<00:00:22.800> turns<00:00:23.119> out<00:00:23.439> that<00:00:23.599> during 00:00:23.990 --> 00:00:24.000 Street in SMA it turns out that during 00:00:24.000 --> 00:00:28.230 Street in SMA it turns out that during RNA<00:00:24.480> splicing<00:00:25.400> the<00:00:25.599> seventh<00:00:26.039> Exxon<00:00:26.599> of<00:00:27.240> smn2 00:00:28.230 --> 00:00:28.240 RNA splicing the seventh Exxon of smn2 00:00:28.240 --> 00:00:30.749 RNA splicing the seventh Exxon of smn2 is<00:00:28.400> skipped<00:00:28.880> by<00:00:29.000> the<00:00:29.160> Machinery<00:00:29.679> that<00:00:30.000> edits 00:00:30.749 --> 00:00:30.759 is skipped by the Machinery that edits 00:00:30.759 --> 00:00:34.270 is skipped by the Machinery that edits RNA<00:00:31.759> skipping<00:00:32.200> of<00:00:32.360> xon<00:00:32.759> 7<00:00:33.160> generates<00:00:33.640> a<00:00:33.760> faulty 00:00:34.270 --> 00:00:34.280 RNA skipping of xon 7 generates a faulty 00:00:34.280 --> 00:00:38.229 RNA skipping of xon 7 generates a faulty message<00:00:35.000> draw<00:00:35.320> a<00:00:35.520> big<00:00:35.800> house<00:00:36.600> on<00:00:36.920> the<00:00:37.480> of<00:00:37.960> the 00:00:38.229 --> 00:00:38.239 message draw a big house on the of the 00:00:38.239 --> 00:00:39.229 message draw a big house on the of the wide 00:00:39.229 --> 00:00:39.239 wide 00:00:39.239 --> 00:00:41.630 wide Street<00:00:40.239> just<00:00:40.440> like<00:00:40.640> removing<00:00:41.079> word<00:00:41.360> number 00:00:41.630 --> 00:00:41.640 Street just like removing word number 00:00:41.640 --> 00:00:43.310 Street just like removing word number seven<00:00:42.039> in<00:00:42.160> the<00:00:42.320> sentence<00:00:42.680> leads<00:00:42.960> to<00:00:43.160> a 00:00:43.310 --> 00:00:43.320 seven in the sentence leads to a 00:00:43.320 --> 00:00:45.590 seven in the sentence leads to a statement<00:00:43.719> that<00:00:43.879> makes<00:00:44.160> no<00:00:44.399> sense<00:00:45.079> removing 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of<00:00:56.680> motor<00:00:57.039> neuron 00:00:57.869 --> 00:00:57.879 produce the survival of motor neuron 00:00:57.879 --> 00:01:01.069 produce the survival of motor neuron protein<00:00:58.879> but<00:00:59.160> due<00:00:59.320> to<00:00:59.480> Exon<00:01:00.039> skipping<00:01:00.719> not 00:01:01.069 --> 00:01:01.079 protein but due to Exon skipping not 00:01:01.079 --> 00:01:03.549 protein but due to Exon skipping not enough<00:01:01.559> usable<00:01:02.079> protein<00:01:02.600> is<00:01:02.760> made<00:01:03.000> to<00:01:03.199> support 00:01:03.549 --> 00:01:03.559 enough usable protein is made to support 00:01:03.559 --> 00:01:05.270 enough usable protein is made to support normal<00:01:03.879> muscle development