WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:01.140 --> 00:00:06.349 [Music] 00:00:06.349 --> 00:00:06.359 00:00:06.359 --> 00:00:08.509 while<00:00:06.640> RNA<00:00:07.120> editing<00:00:07.640> is<00:00:07.799> critical<00:00:08.280> for 00:00:08.509 --> 00:00:08.519 while RNA editing is critical for 00:00:08.519 --> 00:00:10.709 while RNA editing is critical for generating<00:00:09.080> the<00:00:09.280> hundreds<00:00:09.800> of<00:00:10.080> thousands<00:00:10.519> of 00:00:10.709 --> 00:00:10.719 generating the hundreds of thousands of 00:00:10.719 --> 00:00:13.150 generating the hundreds of thousands of proteins<00:00:11.160> that<00:00:11.360> Keep<00:00:11.559> Us<00:00:11.759> Alive<00:00:12.559> splicing 00:00:13.150 --> 00:00:13.160 proteins that Keep Us Alive splicing 00:00:13.160 --> 00:00:16.590 proteins that Keep Us Alive splicing errors<00:00:13.639> can<00:00:13.799> lead<00:00:14.000> to<00:00:14.160> devastating<00:00:14.799> health 00:00:16.590 --> 00:00:16.600 errors can lead to devastating health 00:00:16.600 --> 00:00:19.550 errors can lead to devastating health problems<00:00:17.600> one<00:00:17.880> example<00:00:18.359> is<00:00:18.480> an<00:00:18.760> often<00:00:19.119> fatal 00:00:19.550 --> 00:00:19.560 problems one example is an often fatal 00:00:19.560 --> 00:00:21.990 problems one example is an often fatal disease<00:00:20.080> called<00:00:20.359> spinal<00:00:20.800> muscular<00:00:21.400> atrophy 00:00:21.990 --> 00:00:22.000 disease called spinal muscular atrophy 00:00:22.000 --> 00:00:22.790 disease called spinal muscular atrophy or 00:00:22.790 --> 00:00:22.800 or 00:00:22.800 --> 00:00:26.070 or SMA<00:00:23.800> it's<00:00:24.080> the<00:00:24.240> number<00:00:24.480> one<00:00:24.800> genetic<00:00:25.240> cause<00:00:25.840> of 00:00:26.070 --> 00:00:26.080 SMA it's the number one genetic cause of 00:00:26.080 --> 00:00:27.669 SMA it's the number one genetic cause of infant 00:00:27.669 --> 00:00:27.679 infant 00:00:27.679 --> 00:00:30.950 infant death<00:00:28.679> SMA<00:00:29.279> is<00:00:29.480> caused<00:00:29.800> by<00:00:30.080> too<00:00:30.320> little<00:00:30.640> of<00:00:30.759> a 00:00:30.950 --> 00:00:30.960 death SMA is caused by too little of a 00:00:30.960 --> 00:00:33.190 death SMA is caused by too little of a vital<00:00:31.359> protein<00:00:31.880> called<00:00:32.160> survival<00:00:32.680> of<00:00:32.840> motor 00:00:33.190 --> 00:00:33.200 vital protein called survival of motor 00:00:33.200 --> 00:00:37.430 vital protein called survival of motor neuron<00:00:33.640> or<00:00:34.160> SMN<00:00:35.160> in<00:00:35.280> the<00:00:35.440> spinal<00:00:35.800> cords<00:00:36.120> motor 00:00:37.430 --> 00:00:37.440 neuron or SMN in the spinal cords motor 00:00:37.440 --> 00:00:39.950 neuron or SMN in the spinal cords motor neurons<00:00:38.440> too<00:00:38.719> little<00:00:39.000> of<00:00:39.160> this<00:00:39.399> protein 00:00:39.950 --> 00:00:39.960 neurons too little of this protein 00:00:39.960 --> 00:00:42.470 neurons too little of this protein causes<00:00:40.360> the<00:00:40.480> motor<00:00:40.800> neurons<00:00:41.320> to<00:00:41.559> die<00:00:42.200> and<00:00:42.360> the 00:00:42.470 --> 00:00:42.480 causes the motor neurons to die and the 00:00:42.480 --> 00:00:47.069 causes the motor neurons to die and the muscles<00:00:42.920> they<00:00:43.120> control<00:00:43.520> to<00:00:43.719> waste 00:00:47.069 --> 00:00:47.079 00:00:47.079 --> 00:00:50.869 away<00:00:48.079> the<00:00:48.360> smn1<00:00:49.360> gene<00:00:49.879> which<00:00:50.079> produces<00:00:50.680> The 00:00:50.869 --> 00:00:50.879 away the smn1 gene which produces The 00:00:50.879 --> 00:00:54.510 away the smn1 gene which produces The SMN<00:00:51.680> protein<00:00:52.680> is<00:00:52.840> missing<00:00:53.320> or<00:00:53.559> damaged<00:00:54.120> Beyond 00:00:54.510 --> 00:00:54.520 SMN protein is missing or damaged Beyond 00:00:54.520 --> 00:00:58.389 SMN protein is missing or damaged Beyond repair<00:00:55.039> in<00:00:55.280> SMA<00:00:56.359> patients<00:00:57.359> humans<00:00:57.879> have<00:00:58.120> a 00:00:58.389 --> 00:00:58.399 repair in SMA patients humans have a 00:00:58.399 --> 00:01:01.590 repair in SMA patients humans have a second<00:00:58.920> SMN<00:00:59.399> producing<00:01:00.000> Gene<00:01:00.399> called 00:01:01.590 --> 00:01:01.600 second SMN producing Gene called 00:01:01.600 --> 00:01:04.910 second SMN producing Gene called smn2<00:01:02.600> but<00:01:02.960> this<00:01:03.120> Gene<00:01:03.399> is<00:01:03.519> a<00:01:03.719> poor<00:01:04.040> backup 00:01:04.910 --> 00:01:04.920 smn2 but this Gene is a poor backup 00:01:04.920 --> 00:01:06.710 smn2 but this Gene is a poor backup because<00:01:05.239> it<00:01:05.400> produces<00:01:06.040> very<00:01:06.280> little 00:01:06.710 --> 00:01:06.720 because it produces very little 00:01:06.720 --> 00:01:09.360 because it produces very little functional<00:01:07.320> SMN<00:01:08.360> protein