WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.320 --> 00:00:02.909 The FDA in<00:00:00.399> the<00:00:00.560> last<00:00:00.760> hour<00:00:01.280> approved<00:00:01.680> the<00:00:01.800> first<00:00:02.040> drug 00:00:02.909 --> 00:00:02.919 The FDA in the last hour approved the first drug 00:00:02.919 --> 00:00:04.749 The FDA in the last hour approved the first drug to<00:00:03.080> treat<00:00:03.320> the<00:00:03.480> devastating<00:00:03.959> genetic<00:00:04.319> disease 00:00:04.749 --> 00:00:04.759 to treat the devastating genetic disease 00:00:04.759 --> 00:00:06.909 to treat the devastating genetic disease spinal<00:00:05.200> muscular<00:00:05.640> atrophy<00:00:06.240> as<00:00:06.480> the<00:00:06.600> greatest 00:00:06.909 --> 00:00:06.919 spinal muscular atrophy as the greatest 00:00:06.919 --> 00:00:08.470 spinal muscular atrophy as the greatest Christmas<00:00:07.319> gift<00:00:07.520> my<00:00:07.680> family<00:00:08.000> could<00:00:08.120> have 00:00:08.470 --> 00:00:08.480 Christmas gift my family could have 00:00:08.480 --> 00:00:10.190 Christmas gift my family could have received<00:00:09.040> it's<00:00:09.200> my<00:00:09.320> granddaughter<00:00:09.760> Scarlet 00:00:10.190 --> 00:00:10.200 [Music] received it's my granddaughter Scarlet 00:00:10.200 --> 00:00:13.629 received it's my granddaughter Scarlet born<00:00:10.440> with<00:00:10.599> that<00:00:11.080> condition<00:00:12.080> you<00:00:12.320> did 00:00:13.629 --> 00:00:13.639 born with that condition you did it 00:00:13.639 --> 00:00:22.429 born with that condition you did it <00:00:14.639> I<00:00:14.839> was<00:00:15.000> so<00:00:15.280> proud<00:00:15.480> of<00:00:15.599> you<00:00:15.839> little man 00:00:26.960 --> 00:00:32.589 beautiful<00:00:27.960> Emma beautiful<00:00:28.960> Emma 00:00:32.589 --> 00:00:32.599 00:00:32.599 --> 00:00:34.389 look<00:00:32.800> at 00:00:34.389 --> 00:00:34.399 look at 00:00:34.399 --> 00:00:38.790 look at that<00:00:35.399> push<00:00:35.680> push<00:00:35.920> give<00:00:36.040> him<00:00:36.559> little<00:00:37.559> push<00:00:37.840> push 00:00:38.790 --> 00:00:38.800 that push push give him little push push 00:00:38.800 --> 00:00:41.270 that push push give him little push push push<00:00:39.800> push<00:00:40.120> push 00:00:41.270 --> 00:00:41.280 push push push 00:00:41.280 --> 00:00:44.709 push push push push<00:00:42.280> yeah<00:00:42.559> keep<00:00:42.760> going<00:00:43.120> push<00:00:43.399> push 00:00:44.709 --> 00:00:44.719 push yeah keep going push push 00:00:44.719 --> 00:00:48.430 push yeah keep going push push push<00:00:45.719> he<00:00:45.960> is<00:00:46.079> riding<00:00:46.360> a<00:00:46.600> freaking 00:00:48.430 --> 00:00:48.440 push he is riding a freaking 00:00:48.440 --> 00:00:51.709 push he is riding a freaking bicycle<00:00:49.440> so<00:00:49.760> take<00:00:49.920> that SMA 00:00:51.709 --> 00:00:51.719 bicycle so take that 00:00:51.719 --> 00:00:53.910 bicycle so take that SMA<00:00:52.719> oh<00:00:52.879> my 00:00:53.910 --> 00:00:53.920 SMA oh my 00:00:53.920 --> 00:00:58.910 SMA oh my God<00:00:54.920> Mom<00:00:55.280> look<00:00:55.399> at me