WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:03.470 so<00:00:00.280> in<00:00:00.480> this<00:00:00.760> case<00:00:01.680> an<00:00:01.839> interim<00:00:02.360> point<00:00:02.720> which<00:00:02.840> is 00:00:03.470 --> 00:00:03.480 so in this case an interim point which is 00:00:03.480 --> 00:00:06.389 so in this case an interim point which is about<00:00:03.679> a<00:00:03.879> year<00:00:04.279> before<00:00:04.920> the<00:00:05.560> the<00:00:05.799> entirety<00:00:06.279> of 00:00:06.389 --> 00:00:06.399 about a year before the the entirety of 00:00:06.399 --> 00:00:10.310 about a year before the the entirety of the<00:00:06.600> trial<00:00:07.200> was<00:00:07.559> complete<00:00:08.559> um<00:00:08.840> the<00:00:09.519> um<00:00:10.160> the 00:00:10.310 --> 00:00:10.320 the trial was complete um the um the 00:00:10.320 --> 00:00:12.150 the trial was complete um the um the data<00:00:10.719> were<00:00:11.080> were<00:00:11.360> looked<00:00:11.639> at<00:00:11.840> by 00:00:12.150 --> 00:00:12.160 data were were looked at by 00:00:12.160 --> 00:00:15.070 data were were looked at by statisticians<00:00:13.519> unblinded<00:00:14.519> and<00:00:14.719> they<00:00:14.879> could 00:00:15.070 --> 00:00:15.080 statisticians unblinded and they could 00:00:15.080 --> 00:00:17.630 statisticians unblinded and they could see<00:00:15.519> that<00:00:15.719> there<00:00:15.879> was<00:00:16.119> a<00:00:16.840> a<00:00:17.039> significant 00:00:17.630 --> 00:00:17.640 see that there was a a significant 00:00:17.640 --> 00:00:20.230 see that there was a a significant difference<00:00:18.160> between<00:00:18.960> the<00:00:19.279> the<00:00:19.400> control<00:00:19.880> group 00:00:20.230 --> 00:00:20.240 difference between the the control group 00:00:20.240 --> 00:00:22.269 difference between the the control group and<00:00:20.439> the<00:00:20.600> treated<00:00:21.119> group<00:00:21.760> and<00:00:21.920> therefore<00:00:22.199> it 00:00:22.269 --> 00:00:22.279 and the treated group and therefore it 00:00:22.279 --> 00:00:24.349 and the treated group and therefore it would<00:00:22.439> be<00:00:22.560> unethical<00:00:23.160> to<00:00:23.400> continue<00:00:23.760> to<00:00:24.000> have<00:00:24.160> a 00:00:24.349 --> 00:00:24.359 would be unethical to continue to have a 00:00:24.359 --> 00:00:26.589 would be unethical to continue to have a third<00:00:24.640> of<00:00:24.800> the<00:00:25.039> patients<00:00:26.000> receiving<00:00:26.320> just<00:00:26.439> a 00:00:26.589 --> 00:00:26.599 third of the patients receiving just a 00:00:26.599 --> 00:00:29.150 third of the patients receiving just a sham<00:00:27.199> injection<00:00:28.199> therefore<00:00:28.519> the<00:00:28.679> trials 00:00:29.150 --> 00:00:29.160 sham injection therefore the trials 00:00:29.160 --> 00:00:31.070 sham injection therefore the trials discontinued<00:00:29.800> now<00:00:30.080> everybody<00:00:30.519> goes<00:00:30.759> on<00:00:30.920> the 00:00:31.070 --> 00:00:31.080 discontinued now everybody goes on the 00:00:31.080 --> 00:00:32.630 discontinued now everybody goes on the drug<00:00:31.400> because<00:00:31.599> there<00:00:31.720> was<00:00:31.920> already 00:00:32.630 --> 00:00:32.640 drug because there was already 00:00:32.640 --> 00:00:35.350 drug because there was already significant<00:00:33.640> uh<00:00:34.079> data<00:00:34.440> that<00:00:34.559> was<00:00:34.760> good<00:00:34.960> enough 00:00:35.350 --> 00:00:35.360 significant uh data that was good enough 00:00:35.360 --> 00:00:38.000 significant uh data that was good enough to<00:00:35.760> to<00:00:36.280> uh<00:00:36.600> hopefully<00:00:37.040> convince<00:00:37.440> the<00:00:37.559> FDA