WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.640 --> 00:00:02.310 on<00:00:00.760> the<00:00:00.919> day<00:00:01.079> of<00:00:01.240> her<00:00:01.400> second<00:00:01.719> birthday<00:00:02.159> we 00:00:02.310 --> 00:00:02.320 on the day of her second birthday we 00:00:02.320 --> 00:00:04.309 on the day of her second birthday we literally<00:00:02.760> drove<00:00:03.080> to<00:00:03.240> Columbia<00:00:03.879> to<00:00:04.040> get<00:00:04.160> her 00:00:04.309 --> 00:00:04.319 literally drove to Columbia to get her 00:00:04.319 --> 00:00:07.710 literally drove to Columbia to get her screened<00:00:05.080> for<00:00:05.560> the<00:00:05.720> Ionis<00:00:06.279> Nusinersen<00:00:06.960> trial 00:00:07.710 --> 00:00:07.720 screened for the Ionis Nusinersen trial 00:00:07.720 --> 00:00:09.190 screened for the Ionis Nusinersen trial then<00:00:07.919> 3<00:00:08.120> weeks<00:00:08.320> later<00:00:08.519> she<00:00:08.639> got<00:00:08.800> her<00:00:08.960> first 00:00:09.190 --> 00:00:09.200 then 3 weeks later she got her first 00:00:09.200 --> 00:00:10.790 then 3 weeks later she got her first injection<00:00:09.800> and<00:00:09.920> we<00:00:10.040> started<00:00:10.360> noticing 00:00:10.790 --> 00:00:10.800 injection and we started noticing 00:00:10.800 --> 00:00:13.509 injection and we started noticing changes<00:00:11.160> in<00:00:11.360> her<00:00:12.000> around<00:00:12.200> the<00:00:12.320> 2-month<00:00:12.799> mark 00:00:13.509 --> 00:00:13.519 changes in her around the 2-month mark 00:00:13.519 --> 00:00:15.430 changes in her around the 2-month mark she<00:00:13.799> crawled<00:00:14.360> all<00:00:14.519> the<00:00:14.639> way<00:00:14.799> from<00:00:14.960> the<00:00:15.120> living 00:00:15.430 --> 00:00:15.440 she crawled all the way from the living 00:00:15.440 --> 00:00:17.990 she crawled all the way from the living room<00:00:16.000> to<00:00:16.199> our<00:00:16.400> master<00:00:16.720> bedroom<00:00:17.560> and<00:00:17.680> we<00:00:17.760> were 00:00:17.990 --> 00:00:18.000 room to our master bedroom and we were 00:00:18.000 --> 00:00:20.910 room to our master bedroom and we were just<00:00:18.119> in<00:00:18.320> shock<00:00:18.840> she<00:00:19.080> now<00:00:19.480> stands<00:00:20.480> we<00:00:20.640> have 00:00:20.910 --> 00:00:20.920 just in shock she now stands we have 00:00:20.920 --> 00:00:23.429 just in shock she now stands we have little<00:00:21.199> Orthotics<00:00:22.039> that<00:00:22.199> help<00:00:22.439> her<00:00:22.760> now<00:00:23.279> with 00:00:23.429 --> 00:00:23.439 little Orthotics that help her now with 00:00:23.439 --> 00:00:25.670 little Orthotics that help her now with a<00:00:23.599> walker<00:00:24.599> and<00:00:24.720> we<00:00:24.840> just<00:00:25.000> started<00:00:25.359> her<00:00:25.519> with 00:00:25.670 --> 00:00:25.680 a walker and we just started her with 00:00:25.680 --> 00:00:27.589 a walker and we just started her with crutches<00:00:26.359> not<00:00:26.480> only<00:00:26.760> that<00:00:26.920> the<00:00:27.080> disease<00:00:27.439> has 00:00:27.589 --> 00:00:27.599 crutches not only that the disease has 00:00:27.599 --> 00:00:30.550 crutches not only that the disease has stopped<00:00:27.920> progression<00:00:28.880> she's<00:00:29.199> no<00:00:29.439> longer<00:00:30.119> lost 00:00:30.550 --> 00:00:30.560 stopped progression she's no longer lost 00:00:30.560 --> 00:00:32.950 stopped progression she's no longer lost anything<00:00:31.480> in<00:00:31.640> fact<00:00:32.079> every<00:00:32.320> time<00:00:32.520> she<00:00:32.680> goes<00:00:32.840> in 00:00:32.950 --> 00:00:32.960 anything in fact every time she goes in 00:00:32.960 --> 00:00:34.950 anything in fact every time she goes in for<00:00:33.120> another<00:00:33.399> injection<00:00:33.800> she<00:00:33.960> gets<00:00:34.200> a<00:00:34.280> little 00:00:34.950 --> 00:00:34.960 for another injection she gets a little 00:00:34.960 --> 00:00:37.310 for another injection she gets a little stronger<00:00:35.960> as<00:00:36.040> soon<00:00:36.200> as<00:00:36.320> we<00:00:36.440> found<00:00:36.680> out<00:00:37.040> that 00:00:37.310 --> 00:00:37.320 stronger as soon as we found out that 00:00:37.320 --> 00:00:38.990 stronger as soon as we found out that the<00:00:37.600> drug<00:00:37.960> trial<00:00:38.280> that<00:00:38.399> we<00:00:38.480> were<00:00:38.640> interested 00:00:38.990 --> 00:00:39.000 the drug trial that we were interested 00:00:39.000 --> 00:00:41.590 the drug trial that we were interested in<00:00:39.360> was<00:00:39.640> actually<00:00:40.559> discovered<00:00:40.920> here<00:00:41.200> at<00:00:41.360> Cold 00:00:41.590 --> 00:00:41.600 in was actually discovered here at Cold 00:00:41.600 --> 00:00:44.029 in was actually discovered here at Cold Spring<00:00:41.760> Harbor<00:00:42.079> Labs<00:00:42.520> we<00:00:42.680> had<00:00:42.800> to<00:00:43.079> come<00:00:43.280> down 00:00:44.029 --> 00:00:44.039 Cold Spring Harbor Labs we had to come down 00:00:44.039 --> 00:00:46.910 Cold Spring Harbor Labs we had to come down for<00:00:44.200> me<00:00:44.520> Dr.<00:00:44.800> Krainer<00:00:45.320> is<00:00:45.680> a<00:00:45.840> superhero<00:00:46.719> in 00:00:46.910 --> 00:00:46.920 for me Dr. Krainer is a superhero in 00:00:46.920 --> 00:00:49.189 for me Dr. Krainer is a superhero in regular<00:00:47.320> clothing<00:00:48.000> once<00:00:48.160> you<00:00:48.360> get<00:00:48.559> inside<00:00:49.039> and 00:00:49.189 --> 00:00:49.199 regular clothing once you get inside and 00:00:49.199 --> 00:00:52.389 regular clothing once you get inside and you<00:00:49.399> see<00:00:50.160> what<00:00:50.360> goes<00:00:50.600> on<00:00:51.079> here<00:00:52.079> this<00:00:52.199> is 00:00:52.389 --> 00:00:52.399 you see what goes on here this is 00:00:52.399 --> 00:00:54.630 you see what goes on here this is groundbreaking<00:00:53.120> stuff<00:00:53.879> this<00:00:54.039> is<00:00:54.239> affecting 00:00:54.630 --> 00:00:54.640 groundbreaking stuff this is affecting 00:00:54.640 --> 00:00:57.110 groundbreaking stuff this is affecting everyone<00:00:55.000> across<00:00:55.320> the<00:00:55.440> world<00:00:56.440> without<00:00:56.800> basic 00:00:57.110 --> 00:00:57.120 everyone across the world without basic 00:00:57.120 --> 00:00:59.349 everyone across the world without basic research<00:00:57.640> there<00:00:57.760> would<00:00:57.879> be<00:00:58.039> no<00:00:58.239> hope<00:00:58.519> for<00:00:59.120> my 00:00:59.349 --> 00:00:59.359 research there would be no hope for my 00:00:59.359 --> 00:01:01.590 research there would be no hope for my child<00:01:00.399> so<00:01:00.640> we're<00:01:00.840> very<00:01:01.000> hopeful<00:01:01.359> for<00:01:01.480> the 00:01:01.590 --> 00:01:01.600 child so we're very hopeful for the 00:01:01.600 --> 00:01:04.000 child so we're very hopeful for the future<00:01:01.920> for<00:01:02.039> the<00:01:02.199> first time