WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.599 --> 00:00:02.510 One<00:00:00.760> of<00:00:00.919> the<00:00:01.360> really<00:00:01.640> powerful<00:00:02.040> things<00:00:02.280> about 00:00:02.510 --> 00:00:02.520 One of the really powerful things about 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:04.749 one of the really powerful things about Cold<00:00:02.800> Spring<00:00:03.080> Harbor<00:00:03.399> laboratory<00:00:03.959> and<00:00:04.319> and<00:00:04.480> its 00:00:04.749 --> 00:00:04.759 Cold Spring Harbor laboratory and and its 00:00:04.759 --> 00:00:06.749 Cold Spring Harbor laboratory and and its success<00:00:05.319> is<00:00:05.480> our<00:00:05.799> investment<00:00:06.279> in<00:00:06.480> young 00:00:06.749 --> 00:00:06.759 success is our investment in young 00:00:06.759 --> 00:00:09.390 success is our investment in young people<00:00:07.720> Adrian<00:00:08.160> Krainer<00:00:08.519> is<00:00:08.599> a<00:00:08.760> great<00:00:09.000> example 00:00:09.390 --> 00:00:09.400 people Adrian Krainer is a great example 00:00:09.400 --> 00:00:11.390 people Adrian Krainer is a great example of<00:00:09.559> this<00:00:09.880> he<00:00:10.000> was<00:00:10.200> recruited<00:00:10.759> as<00:00:10.920> the<00:00:11.080> first 00:00:11.390 --> 00:00:11.400 of this he was recruited as the first 00:00:11.400 --> 00:00:13.950 of this he was recruited as the first Cold<00:00:11.719> Spring<00:00:12.040> Harbor<00:00:12.360> fellow<00:00:12.799> in 00:00:13.950 --> 00:00:13.960 Cold Spring Harbor fellow in 00:00:13.960 --> 00:00:17.750 Cold Spring Harbor fellow in 1986<00:00:14.960> and<00:00:15.400> uh<00:00:16.199> those<00:00:16.480> fellows<00:00:16.920> are<00:00:17.199> given 00:00:17.750 --> 00:00:17.760 1986 and uh those fellows are given 00:00:17.760 --> 00:00:19.470 1986 and uh those fellows are given complete<00:00:18.160> Independence<00:00:18.760> to<00:00:18.920> do<00:00:19.160> whatever 00:00:19.470 --> 00:00:19.480 complete independence to do whatever 00:00:19.480 --> 00:00:22.150 complete Independence to do whatever they<00:00:19.640> want<00:00:19.880> at<00:00:20.039> Cold<00:00:20.320> Spring<00:00:20.680> Harbor<00:00:21.680> in 00:00:22.150 --> 00:00:22.160 they want at Cold Spring Harbor in 00:00:22.160 --> 00:00:24.269 they want at Cold Spring Harbor in advancing<00:00:22.960> ideas<00:00:23.519> and 00:00:24.269 --> 00:00:24.279 advancing ideas and 00:00:24.279 --> 00:00:26.710 advancing ideas and research<00:00:25.279> that<00:00:25.599> really<00:00:25.960> can<00:00:26.160> have<00:00:26.279> a<00:00:26.480> big 00:00:26.710 --> 00:00:26.720 research that really can have a big 00:00:26.720 --> 00:00:29.550 research that really can have a big impact<00:00:27.720> and<00:00:27.920> then<00:00:28.199> we<00:00:28.359> were<00:00:28.760> very<00:00:29.039> fortunate 00:00:29.550 --> 00:00:29.560 impact and then we were very fortunate 00:00:29.560 --> 00:00:32.510 impact and then we were very fortunate to<00:00:30.000> promote<00:00:30.320> Adrian<00:00:30.720> to<00:00:30.960> the<00:00:31.640> uh<00:00:31.840> faculty<00:00:32.320> and 00:00:32.510 --> 00:00:32.520 to promote Adrian to the uh faculty and 00:00:32.520 --> 00:00:36.350 to promote Adrian to the uh faculty and he's<00:00:32.880> really<00:00:33.160> had<00:00:33.320> a<00:00:33.920> stellar<00:00:34.559> career<00:00:35.480> in<00:00:36.200> uh 00:00:36.350 --> 00:00:36.360 he's really had a stellar career in uh 00:00:36.360 --> 00:00:38.950 he's really had a stellar career in uh not<00:00:36.520> only<00:00:37.160> understanding<00:00:37.480> basic<00:00:37.840> science<00:00:38.760> but 00:00:38.950 --> 00:00:38.960 not only understanding basic science but 00:00:38.960 --> 00:00:41.229 not only understanding basic science but now<00:00:39.239> leading<00:00:39.680> to<00:00:39.840> an<00:00:40.039> important<00:00:40.440> clinical 00:00:41.229 --> 00:00:41.239 now leading to an important clinical 00:00:41.239 --> 00:00:44.239 now leading to an important clinical development