WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:01.870 when<00:00:00.199> you<00:00:00.320> first<00:00:00.560> met<00:00:00.799> Adrien<00:00:01.319> what<00:00:01.640> what<00:00:01.760> was 00:00:01.870 --> 00:00:01.880 when you first met Adrien what what was 00:00:01.880 --> 00:00:03.230 when you first met Adrien what what was he<00:00:02.040> like<00:00:02.320> we<00:00:02.440> we<00:00:02.520> don't<00:00:02.679> know<00:00:02.840> what<00:00:02.960> he<00:00:03.040> was 00:00:03.230 --> 00:00:03.240 he like we we don't know what he was 00:00:03.240 --> 00:00:06.110 he like we we don't know what he was like<00:00:03.800> 25<00:00:04.279> years<00:00:04.440> ago<00:00:05.120> he<00:00:05.359> he<00:00:05.480> was<00:00:05.680> great<00:00:05.960> he 00:00:06.110 --> 00:00:06.120 like 25 years ago he he was great he 00:00:06.120 --> 00:00:09.790 like 25 years ago he he was great he came<00:00:06.399> across<00:00:07.399> as<00:00:07.560> a<00:00:07.720> very<00:00:08.080> serious<00:00:08.639> student<00:00:09.559> he 00:00:09.790 --> 00:00:09.800 came across as a very serious student he 00:00:09.800 --> 00:00:11.509 came across as a very serious student he had<00:00:09.960> the<00:00:10.160> best<00:00:10.400> Pair<00:00:10.639> of<00:00:10.800> Hands<00:00:11.160> I've<00:00:11.320> ever 00:00:11.509 --> 00:00:11.519 had the best Pair of Hands I've ever 00:00:11.519 --> 00:00:13.549 had the best Pair of Hands I've ever seen<00:00:11.759> in<00:00:11.920> a<00:00:12.080> graduate<00:00:12.519> student<00:00:13.040> I<00:00:13.080> mean<00:00:13.400> when 00:00:13.549 --> 00:00:13.559 seen in a graduate student I mean when 00:00:13.559 --> 00:00:16.150 seen in a graduate student I mean when he<00:00:13.759> did<00:00:13.960> an<00:00:14.280> experiment<00:00:15.280> the<00:00:15.440> results<00:00:15.839> were 00:00:16.150 --> 00:00:16.160 he did an experiment the results were 00:00:16.160 --> 00:00:18.310 he did an experiment the results were perfect<00:00:17.000> very<00:00:17.320> very<00:00:17.520> good 00:00:18.310 --> 00:00:18.320 perfect very very good 00:00:18.320 --> 00:00:20.429 perfect very very good experimentalist<00:00:19.320> and<00:00:19.680> the<00:00:19.880> thing<00:00:20.119> that<00:00:20.279> I 00:00:20.429 --> 00:00:20.439 experimentalist and the thing that I 00:00:20.439 --> 00:00:22.310 experimentalist and the thing that I liked<00:00:20.840> more<00:00:21.080> than<00:00:21.359> anything<00:00:21.720> else<00:00:21.960> he<00:00:22.080> had<00:00:22.199> a 00:00:22.310 --> 00:00:22.320 liked more than anything else he had a 00:00:22.320 --> 00:00:24.830 liked more than anything else he had a great<00:00:22.519> sense<00:00:22.720> of<00:00:22.920> humor<00:00:23.760> I<00:00:23.880> I<00:00:24.119> I<00:00:24.240> think<00:00:24.480> humor 00:00:24.830 --> 00:00:24.840 great sense of humor I I I think humor 00:00:24.840 --> 00:00:27.230 great sense of humor I I I think humor is<00:00:25.080> so<00:00:25.359> important<00:00:25.840> in<00:00:26.119> life<00:00:26.560> and<00:00:26.760> and<00:00:26.880> we<00:00:27.080> hit 00:00:27.230 --> 00:00:27.240 is so important in life and and we hit 00:00:27.240 --> 00:00:31.199 is so important in life and and we hit it<00:00:27.400> off<00:00:27.640> pretty<00:00:28.199> quickly