WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.240 --> 00:00:03.350 um<00:00:00.520> if<00:00:00.640> you<00:00:00.840> imagine<00:00:01.199> an<00:00:01.400> artist<00:00:01.800> at<00:00:01.959> a<00:00:02.360> canvas 00:00:03.350 --> 00:00:03.360 um if you imagine an artist at a canvas 00:00:03.360 --> 00:00:05.110 um if you imagine an artist at a canvas that<00:00:03.600> you<00:00:03.719> know<00:00:04.000> they<00:00:04.160> get<00:00:04.319> started<00:00:04.839> doing 00:00:05.110 --> 00:00:05.120 that you know they get started doing 00:00:05.120 --> 00:00:06.630 that you know they get started doing something<00:00:05.480> they<00:00:05.640> have<00:00:05.759> an<00:00:05.920> idea<00:00:06.279> in<00:00:06.440> their 00:00:06.630 --> 00:00:06.640 something they have an idea in their 00:00:06.640 --> 00:00:08.750 something they have an idea in their mind<00:00:07.279> but<00:00:07.520> as<00:00:07.640> soon<00:00:07.799> as<00:00:07.919> you<00:00:08.080> get<00:00:08.240> going<00:00:08.599> you 00:00:08.750 --> 00:00:08.760 mind but as soon as you get going you 00:00:08.760 --> 00:00:10.230 mind but as soon as you get going you never<00:00:09.000> know<00:00:09.280> quite<00:00:09.519> where<00:00:09.679> it's<00:00:09.880> going<00:00:10.040> to 00:00:10.230 --> 00:00:10.240 never know quite where it's going to 00:00:10.240 --> 00:00:12.509 never know quite where it's going to take<00:00:10.440> you<00:00:11.080> and<00:00:11.280> and<00:00:11.440> science<00:00:11.799> is<00:00:12.000> very<00:00:12.200> much 00:00:12.509 --> 00:00:12.519 take you and and science is very much 00:00:12.519 --> 00:00:17.269 take you and and science is very much like<00:00:12.960> that<00:00:13.960> and<00:00:14.679> if<00:00:14.879> you<00:00:15.679> do<00:00:16.160> think<00:00:16.880> that<00:00:17.080> all 00:00:17.269 --> 00:00:17.279 like that and if you do think that all 00:00:17.279 --> 00:00:18.990 like that and if you do think that all you're<00:00:17.439> going<00:00:17.600> to<00:00:17.720> do<00:00:17.920> is<00:00:18.160> focus<00:00:18.560> on<00:00:18.760> this 00:00:18.990 --> 00:00:19.000 you're going to do is focus on this 00:00:19.000 --> 00:00:21.189 you're going to do is focus on this application<00:00:19.600> at<00:00:19.760> the<00:00:19.880> far<00:00:20.160> end<00:00:20.480> and<00:00:20.680> try<00:00:20.920> to 00:00:21.189 --> 00:00:21.199 application at the far end and try to 00:00:21.199 --> 00:00:23.390 application at the far end and try to make<00:00:21.439> it<00:00:21.640> into<00:00:21.880> a<00:00:22.039> straight<00:00:22.400> line<00:00:23.039> you<00:00:23.160> will 00:00:23.390 --> 00:00:23.400 make it into a straight line you will 00:00:23.400 --> 00:00:25.509 make it into a straight line you will almost<00:00:23.800> guarantee<00:00:24.519> that<00:00:24.640> you'll<00:00:24.960> miss<00:00:25.320> the 00:00:25.509 --> 00:00:25.519 almost guarantee that you'll miss the 00:00:25.519 --> 00:00:27.790 almost guarantee that you'll miss the little<00:00:25.880> interesting<00:00:26.560> sidelines<00:00:27.519> that<00:00:27.640> will 00:00:27.790 --> 00:00:27.800 little interesting Sidelines that will 00:00:27.800 --> 00:00:31.279 little interesting sidelines that will lead<00:00:28.000> to<00:00:28.160> true<00:00:28.679> discoveries