WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.080 --> 00:00:02.030 yeah<00:00:00.240> I<00:00:00.320> mean<00:00:00.480> I<00:00:00.760> I<00:00:00.960> do<00:00:01.160> want<00:00:01.319> to<00:00:01.480> stress<00:00:01.880> how 00:00:02.030 --> 00:00:02.040 yeah I mean I I do want to stress how 00:00:02.040 --> 00:00:04.190 yeah I mean I I do want to stress how important<00:00:02.440> it<00:00:02.560> is<00:00:02.720> to<00:00:03.000> pursue<00:00:03.439> the<00:00:03.679> the<00:00:03.800> basic 00:00:04.190 --> 00:00:04.200 important it is to pursue the the basic 00:00:04.200 --> 00:00:06.230 important it is to pursue the the basic science<00:00:05.000> understanding<00:00:05.319> the<00:00:05.480> fundamentals 00:00:06.230 --> 00:00:06.240 science understanding the fundamentals 00:00:06.240 --> 00:00:08.950 science understanding the fundamentals of<00:00:06.359> a<00:00:06.600> process<00:00:06.960> like<00:00:07.160> RNA<00:00:07.719> splicing<00:00:08.719> we 00:00:08.950 --> 00:00:08.960 of a process like RNA splicing we 00:00:08.960 --> 00:00:10.950 of a process like RNA splicing we realized<00:00:09.639> that<00:00:09.960> that<00:00:10.080> it's<00:00:10.320> relevant<00:00:10.679> for 00:00:10.950 --> 00:00:10.960 realized that that it's relevant for 00:00:10.960 --> 00:00:13.190 realized that that it's relevant for disease<00:00:11.440> but<00:00:11.679> we<00:00:11.840> didn't<00:00:12.160> necessarily<00:00:12.799> think 00:00:13.190 --> 00:00:13.200 disease but we didn't necessarily think 00:00:13.200 --> 00:00:15.549 disease but we didn't necessarily think ah<00:00:13.920> uh<00:00:14.200> this<00:00:14.320> is<00:00:14.480> immediately<00:00:14.920> going<00:00:15.120> to<00:00:15.360> lead 00:00:15.549 --> 00:00:15.559 ah uh this is immediately going to lead 00:00:15.559 --> 00:00:19.550 ah uh this is immediately going to lead to<00:00:15.719> a<00:00:15.920> cure<00:00:16.520> but<00:00:16.920> but<00:00:17.279> there's<00:00:17.520> always<00:00:18.199> the<00:00:19.199> the 00:00:19.550 --> 00:00:19.560 to a cure but but there's always the the 00:00:19.560 --> 00:00:21.550 to a cure but but there's always the the potential<00:00:20.480> sometimes<00:00:20.720> the<00:00:20.880> illusion<00:00:21.359> that 00:00:21.550 --> 00:00:21.560 potential sometimes the illusion that 00:00:21.560 --> 00:00:23.710 potential sometimes the illusion that the<00:00:21.680> more<00:00:21.880> you<00:00:22.400> understand<00:00:22.960> the<00:00:23.080> more<00:00:23.320> you<00:00:23.519> or 00:00:23.710 --> 00:00:23.720 the more you understand the more you or 00:00:23.720 --> 00:00:26.230 the more you understand the more you or somebody<00:00:24.119> else<00:00:24.359> may<00:00:24.599> come<00:00:24.800> up<00:00:25.400> with<00:00:25.519> a<00:00:25.760> therapy 00:00:26.230 --> 00:00:26.240 somebody else may come up with a therapy 00:00:26.240 --> 00:00:28.109 somebody else may come up with a therapy based<00:00:26.519> on<00:00:26.679> this<00:00:26.920> knowledge<00:00:27.439> that<00:00:27.599> can<00:00:27.840> then 00:00:28.109 --> 00:00:28.119 based on this knowledge that can then 00:00:28.119 --> 00:00:30.390 based on this knowledge that can then really<00:00:28.519> improve<00:00:28.960> the<00:00:29.119> lives<00:00:29.439> of<00:00:29.640> of<00:00:30.039> patient 00:00:30.390 --> 00:00:30.400 really improve the lives of of patient 00:00:30.400 --> 00:00:33.430 really improve the lives of of patient so<00:00:30.560> that's<00:00:30.800> always<00:00:31.160> a<00:00:31.720> a<00:00:32.040> strong<00:00:32.440> motivator 00:00:33.430 --> 00:00:33.440 so that's always a a strong motivator 00:00:33.440 --> 00:00:36.069 so that's always a a strong motivator and<00:00:33.960> certainly<00:00:34.440> as<00:00:34.600> I<00:00:34.760> have<00:00:34.960> met<00:00:35.239> many<00:00:35.559> SMA 00:00:36.069 --> 00:00:36.079 and certainly as I have met many SMA 00:00:36.079 --> 00:00:38.069 and certainly as I have met many SMA patients<00:00:36.440> and<00:00:36.640> their<00:00:36.879> families<00:00:37.680> that<00:00:37.840> has 00:00:38.069 --> 00:00:38.079 patients and their families that has 00:00:38.079 --> 00:00:40.590 patients and their families that has always<00:00:38.360> been<00:00:39.079> uh<00:00:39.280> very<00:00:39.559> inspiring<00:00:40.120> along<00:00:40.440> the 00:00:40.590 --> 00:00:40.600 always been uh very inspiring along the 00:00:40.600 --> 00:00:43.869 always been uh very inspiring along the way<00:00:40.879> to<00:00:41.120> to<00:00:41.360> press<00:00:41.640> on<00:00:41.920> and<00:00:42.120> to<00:00:42.559> to<00:00:43.039> uh<00:00:43.440> to<00:00:43.600> work 00:00:43.869 --> 00:00:43.879 way to to press on and to to uh to work 00:00:43.879 --> 00:00:45.869 way to to press on and to to uh to work hard<00:00:44.120> to<00:00:44.320> try<00:00:44.480> to<00:00:44.640> solve<00:00:44.960> this<00:00:45.239> problem<00:00:45.719> and 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you<00:00:54.399> know<00:00:54.559> to<00:00:54.800> cure diseases