WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.270 --> 00:00:02.360 [Music] 00:00:02.360 --> 00:00:06.349 [Music] <00:00:03.360> you<00:00:03.439> saw<00:00:03.639> the scientist 00:00:06.359 --> 00:00:09.350 <00:00:07.359> you<00:00:07.680> going<00:00:07.759> to<00:00:07.839> show<00:00:08.120> me<00:00:08.760> yeah<00:00:09.200> oh 00:00:09.350 --> 00:00:09.360 scientist you going to show me yeah oh 00:00:09.360 --> 00:00:11.190 scientist you going to show me yeah oh my<00:00:09.559> goodness<00:00:10.000> what<00:00:10.120> is 00:00:11.190 --> 00:00:11.200 my goodness what is 00:00:11.200 --> 00:00:14.470 my goodness what is this<00:00:12.200> crayon<00:00:13.120> all<00:00:13.440> the<00:00:13.639> Crayons<00:00:14.200> is<00:00:14.320> all 00:00:14.470 --> 00:00:14.480 this crayon all the Crayons is all 00:00:14.480 --> 00:00:15.550 this crayon all the Crayons is all crayons<00:00:14.839> in 00:00:15.550 --> 00:00:15.560 crayons in 00:00:15.560 --> 00:00:19.870 crayons in there<00:00:16.560> and<00:00:16.840> and<00:00:17.439> and<00:00:17.640> the<00:00:17.880> point<00:00:18.720> oh<00:00:19.439> and<00:00:19.640> then 00:00:19.870 --> 00:00:19.880 there and and and the point oh and then 00:00:19.880 --> 00:00:21.630 there and and and the point oh and then and<00:00:20.160> and<00:00:20.320> the<00:00:20.600> point<00:00:21.080> Emma<00:00:21.320> do<00:00:21.359> you<00:00:21.439> want<00:00:21.560> to 00:00:21.630 --> 00:00:21.640 and and the point Emma do you want to 00:00:21.640 --> 00:00:22.160 and and the point Emma do you want to say<00:00:22.160> hi 00:00:22.160 --> 00:00:25.800 no